
ashley.rae | July 28, 2015
In a recent interview, presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) called open borders a “right-wing proposal” and vocalized his opposition…
danjoseph | July 28, 2015
The Venezuelan Embassy in Washington, DC will unveil a new library in honor of deceased dictator Hugo Chavez Tuesday. The ceremony will take place…
ashley.rae | July 28, 2015
Image source: Facebook After receiving treatment for cancer, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan posted a lighthearted Facebook status sporting his “new…
Craig Bannister | July 28, 2015
StemExpress, a company that sells fetal tissue from aborted babies provided by Planned Parenthood has an employee bonus plan that includes mileage…
Ben Graham | July 28, 2015
After being confronted by the brother of a woman he had been arguing with, an elderly man in Cincinnati opened fire on four individuals, including…
Tyler McNally | July 28, 2015
In an extended advertisement for one of their razors, Israeli drug store Super-Pharm shows the drastic changes in a man's life when he shaves a long-…
Alan Moore | July 28, 2015
Today, the Center for Medical Progress unveiled their third video detailing the sale of baby parts from aborted fetuses on behalf of Planned…
Ben Graham | July 27, 2015
  Ohio native Josh Newell, 35, has been charged with criminal trespassing at the Columbus Zoo after he hopped over a fence to pet a couple of…
Tyler McNally | July 27, 2015
There's something about the Polynesian "Haka" ritual that always seems to evoke the brutal past of humanity. In this case, a beloved teacher who…
ashley.rae | July 27, 2015
(Image source: Twitter) Last week, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) student Zoey Freedman penned an article in her school newspaper…
Tim Dionisopoulos | July 27, 2015
Presidential candidate Donald Trump leads other GOP contenders among Hispanics, a recent poll shows. Trump recorded a 34% favorability rating among…
ashley.rae | July 27, 2015
Feminist writers across the Internet have unearthed the latest conspiracy against women: office air conditioning. The Washington Post published an…
Claire.Lejeune | July 27, 2015
Never think you can text privately in public; anyone could be watching. One woman learned this the hard way... According to The Daily Mail, Two…
Ben Graham | July 27, 2015
If you happen to be having a bad Monday, we’re here to save your day with a healthy dose of sweetness.  Youtube user Ted Moskalenko posted a cute …
Tyler McNally | July 27, 2015
If there was ever a police officer to NOT run into, it would be this man. Let him enjoy his nice cheesburger, fries, and a Coke in peace - without…
Alan Moore | July 27, 2015
Over the weekend, Bernie Sanders told Chuck Todd on NBC's Meet The Press that guns used for self-defense should be banned. The Socialist senator from…
Tim Dionisopoulos | July 27, 2015
The City of Reno, NV came under fire this past weekend, after hoisting an LGBT Pride flag above City Hall and removing the American Flag during an…
Jeffdunetz | July 26, 2015
It was proven to be a case of media malfeasance, in November 2014 In November Rolling Stone published a 9,000-word article that described the…
Jeffdunetz | July 26, 2015
It was proven to be a case of media malfeasance: in November 2014, Rolling Stone published a story describing the horrific 2012 gang rape of a girl…
ashley.rae | July 24, 2015
In light of a second video revealing another Planned Parenthood executive talking about selling the body parts of aborted babies, Planned Parenthood…