
danjoseph | July 29, 2015
The Los Angeles City Council voted Tuesday to ban the possession of high-capacity gun magazines. The new law would prohibit possession of magazines…
danjoseph | July 29, 2015
Afghan officials are reporting that Mullah Omar, who sheltered Osama Bin Laden following the attacks of September 11th, 2001, has died. Following…
Tyler McNally | July 29, 2015
The king of the action film, Michael Bay, announced that he is directing a film based on the attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi in 2012.…
danjoseph | July 29, 2015
The liberal media has been relatively silent when it comes to the recent revelations that Planned Parenthood officials were caught on tape…
danjoseph | July 29, 2015
The liberal media has been relatively silent when it comes to the recent revelations that Planned Parenthood officials were caught on tape…
ashley.rae | July 28, 2015
Not content with the “equal pay” push by mainstream feminists, activists have created a movement specifically dedicated to “equal pay” for black…
Tyler McNally | July 28, 2015
During Butte, Montana's "Evil Days" festival, the town pays tribute to the legend himself, Evel Knievel. In this year's showcase, a semi truck set…
danjoseph | July 28, 2015
The group "Global Zero" which advocates for the removal of all nuclear weapons from the planet, has released a new video starring celebrities…
ashley.rae | July 28, 2015
In a recent interview, presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) called open borders a “right-wing proposal” and vocalized his opposition…
danjoseph | July 28, 2015
The Venezuelan Embassy in Washington, DC will unveil a new library in honor of deceased dictator Hugo Chavez Tuesday. The ceremony will take place…
ashley.rae | July 28, 2015
Image source: Facebook After receiving treatment for cancer, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan posted a lighthearted Facebook status sporting his “new…
Craig Bannister | July 28, 2015
StemExpress, a company that sells fetal tissue from aborted babies provided by Planned Parenthood has an employee bonus plan that includes mileage…
Ben Graham | July 28, 2015
After being confronted by the brother of a woman he had been arguing with, an elderly man in Cincinnati opened fire on four individuals, including…
Tyler McNally | July 28, 2015
In an extended advertisement for one of their razors, Israeli drug store Super-Pharm shows the drastic changes in a man's life when he shaves a long-…
Alan Moore | July 28, 2015
Today, the Center for Medical Progress unveiled their third video detailing the sale of baby parts from aborted fetuses on behalf of Planned…
Ben Graham | July 27, 2015
  Ohio native Josh Newell, 35, has been charged with criminal trespassing at the Columbus Zoo after he hopped over a fence to pet a couple of…
Tyler McNally | July 27, 2015
There's something about the Polynesian "Haka" ritual that always seems to evoke the brutal past of humanity. In this case, a beloved teacher who…
ashley.rae | July 27, 2015
(Image source: Twitter) Last week, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) student Zoey Freedman penned an article in her school newspaper…
Tim Dionisopoulos | July 27, 2015
Presidential candidate Donald Trump leads other GOP contenders among Hispanics, a recent poll shows. Trump recorded a 34% favorability rating among…
ashley.rae | July 27, 2015
Feminist writers across the Internet have unearthed the latest conspiracy against women: office air conditioning. The Washington Post published an…