Activists Create 'Black Women's Equal Pay Day'

ashley.rae | July 28, 2015

Not content with the “equal pay” push by mainstream feminists, activists have created a movement specifically dedicated to “equal pay” for black women.

The “Black Women’s Equal Pay Day” was created by the organization Atlanta Women for Equality. According to AWE, black women make only 64 cents to “the white man’s dollar.”

In order to participate in the movement, individuals are encouraged to post a selfie with a fake timestamp which shows them clocking out at 2:07 p.m. AWE states 2:07 p.m. corresponds with “the time […] that the average Black woman would leave work to account for the typical wage gap if she were paid at the same hourly rate as the average white man.”

The selfie is then supposed to be posted on Twitter with the accompanying hashtags, #BlackWomenEqualPay or #ClockOut4EqualPay. Users are also encouraged to share information about the black women’s pay gap. For those who cannot think of their own tweets, AWE provides a list of sample tweets:

“July 28, 2015 is Black Women’s Equal Pay Day. Equal pay for equal work. #BlackWomenEqualPay #ClockOut4EqualPay

Join the Black Women Equal Pay Day Twitter storm on July 28, 2-3pm by tweeting a selfie with a symbolic time card! #BlackWomenEqualPay

$0.64 isn’t change for $1, so why pay a Black woman $0.64 when a white man would get $1? #BlackWomenEqualPay

For each $1 men earn, the avg woman makes $0.78, but Black women only make $0.64 to the white male $1. #BlackWomenEqualPay

Black women have to work 208 extra days into 2015 to July 28, 2015 to take home what white men made in 2014. #BlackWomenEqualPay

Black women must work almost 19 months to make what a white man makes in 12 months. Does that sound fair? #BlackWomenEqualPay

Black women make on avg $19,399 less than men every year, or $775,000 less over a 40-year career. #BlackWomenEqualPay

Black women with a B.A. are only paid what a white man with some college but w/o a degree earn. Does that sound fair? #BlackWomenEqualPay

Pay discrimination is an unacceptable injustice. #BlackWomenEqualPay #ClockOut4EqualPay”

Currently, #BlackWomenEqualPay is trending on Twitter. Presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has even joined in:

The U.S. Department of Labor and the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission have also sent out tweets from their official accounts:

Planned Parenthood’s Black Community account also posted an interesting tweet of endorsement, which was rated as one of the “top” tweets for the topic:

Considering transgender women are men who identify as women, it is unclear whether they are subject to the same “black women equal pay gap.”