
Nick Kangadis | April 11, 2016
(Image: Screenshot/YouTube) Former New Orleans Saints defensive end Will Smith, 34, was shot and killed Saturday night in New Orleans’ upscale…
Ben Graham | April 11, 2016
A thief just couldn’t wait to get home before he prepared dinner. Instead, he broke into a Washington, D.C. Five Guys restaurant and gave the…
danjoseph | April 11, 2016
Egypt has agreed to hand over two uninhabited but strategically placed islands to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  The islands of Sanafir and Tiran…
ashley.rae | April 11, 2016
Faculty and staff members at George Mason University are signing a petition against GMU's law school being renamed to honor the late U.S. Supreme…
Nick Kangadis | April 8, 2016
(Image: Blount County Sheriff/WDEF) Three people were hospitalized last Sunday when they ate candy that had extremely high levels of…
Alan Moore | April 8, 2016
April 4 edition of Notable Quotables, MRC’s bi-weekly compilation of the latest outrageous quotes in the liberal media. This issue: Barack Obama’s…
Ben Graham | April 8, 2016
A traffic patrol on Australia’s Great Northern Highway found a 27-year-old man driving a vehicle that had three children, including a baby less…
Jeffdunetz | April 8, 2016
As reported at NewsBusters , CNN's Jeffrey Toobin tried to label Ted Cruz's "NY values” comment as a '“derogatory term” about Jews which amounted to…
Monica Sanchez | April 8, 2016
(Image via Screenshot)  Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders called his Democratic presidential rival Hillary Clinton “unqualified” for the U.S. presidency…
Monica Sanchez | April 8, 2016
(Image via Screenshot)  Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders called his Democratic presidential rival Hillary Clinton “unqualified” for the U.S. presidency…
danjoseph | April 8, 2016
Here are the zaniest things that happened in the world of liberalism this week.         
Ben Graham | April 8, 2016
A Spanish teacher at Monroe Middle School in Tampa Bay, Fla. handed out a form she made that asked students to categorize themselves by their ”Race…
ashley.rae | April 8, 2016
A New Jersey man could spend 90 days in jail for flying a flag showing his support for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in front of…
ashley.rae | April 8, 2016
“Sesame Street” has added a new female Muppet to its Afghanistan version of the show in order to bring attention to issues of female empowerment in…
ashley.rae | April 7, 2016
During a question and answer session at University of Chicago Law School, President Obama joked he is “sorry” his U.S. Supreme Court nominee,…
Nick Kangadis | April 7, 2016
Country music icon Merle Haggard died on his birthday at the age of 79 on Wednesday. Haggard’s passing has sent ripples throughout the music world…
Ben Graham | April 7, 2016
A trending YouTube video that features high-tech, high-speed camera footage of two guys playing with a consumer flamethrower they bought from the…
Jeffdunetz | April 7, 2016
Wednesday evening, Twitter was filled with angry tweets claiming that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump "blew off" a group of pro-…
Alan Moore | April 7, 2016
Bomani Jones is a sports journalist and host of The Right Time on ESPN radio. He is also the co-host of Highly Questionable, an ESPN television…
Nick Kangadis | April 7, 2016
A lot of people will say football is now America’s pastime, but for almost a century, baseball laid claim to that title. Fans say baseball is too…