Nick Kangadis | November 29, 2016
It appears we have yet another misguided, radical Muslim that carried out the attack at Ohio State University Monday. This comes just as the…
Daniel Pickert | November 28, 2016
Bernie Sanders went on CNN’s State of the Union Sunday to tell people that “nobody cares” about a Wisconsin recount initiated by Green Party…
Daniel Pickert | November 22, 2016
Ryan Lenz, a senior editor at the Southern Poverty Law Center, is the latest liberal pundit to appear on CNN and declare something "racist" that…
Curtis Houck | November 20, 2016
See more in the cross-post on the NewsBusters blog. On the heels of the networks providing next to no coverage of Democratic Congressman Tim Ryan (…
Zach Montanaro | November 14, 2016
Just when things looked like they might be calming down... On CNN Monday, Democratic strategist Symone Sanders responded to Donald Trump supporter…
melanie.hunter | November 14, 2016
House Speaker Paul Ryan told CNN’s “State of the Union with Jake Tapper” on Sunday that those behind the racist incidents that have been reported in…
Nick Kangadis | November 10, 2016
Remember how media outlets like CNN kept constantly reporting that Trump's election victory was causing the Dow futures index to tumble? What they…
Rich Noyes | November 9, 2016
During CNN's Election Night coverage, a distressed political analyst Van Jones fretted over the consequences of Donald Trump's impending victory: “…
Daniel Pickert | November 9, 2016
MSNBC's Rachel Maddow had a meltdown last night as the votes were rolling in for President-elect Donald Trump, and it was every bit as satisfying…
Daniel Pickert | November 7, 2016
The recent Democratic National Committee email dumps released by WikiLeaks have already revealed the collusion between the DNC and the media -- and…