Nick Kangadis | December 8, 2016
“BS” comes in all forms, and the media’s BS was just called out in a big way by a big name. Academy Award winning actor Denzel Washington put the…
Daniel Pickert | December 8, 2016
Black employees of CNN, Turner Broadcasting, and parent company Time Warner have filed a class action lawsuit accusing their employers of racial…
Brittany M. Hughes | December 8, 2016
CNN aired its new special Wednesday night hailing President Obama's legacy over the past eight years, simultaneously heaping adoration on the network…
Zach Montanaro | December 7, 2016
Most networks typically experience some kind of ratings drop following a presidential election cycle, as people take a breath to relax after…
Brittany M. Hughes | December 2, 2016
Still freshly heartbroken over Hillary Clinton's loss to President-elect Donald Trump a few weeks ago, the liberal media has found a new scapegoat to…
Geoffrey | November 30, 2016
“Many saw positives, education and health care for all, racial integration....Castro never lost faith in the revolution. Opponents concede Castro’s…
Monica Sanchez | November 30, 2016
(Image via Screenshot) Sean Hannity in his opening monologue on "Hannity" Tuesday night slammed the liberal media for being biased in its coverage…
Nick Kangadis | November 29, 2016
It appears we have yet another misguided, radical Muslim that carried out the attack at Ohio State University Monday. This comes just as the…