Second Amendment

Nick Kangadis | April 5, 2018
Actor Robert De Niro is a hateful little man, and his latest comments prove just how close minded and ignorant Leftists like him actually are. De…
Eric Scheiner | April 5, 2018
L.A. City Councilman Mitch O'Farrell is demanding that area businesses disclose any business dealings they have with the NRA. O’Farrell put forth a…
Nick Kangadis | April 5, 2018
This is one of the better speeches I’ve heard about Americans’ right to own a firearm. Give it a look, because the man who delivered the speech had…
Eric Scheiner | April 5, 2018
Last month the national media focused it's attention on protesting students calling for changes in gun laws - this week some high school students…
Monica Sanchez | April 4, 2018
Amid calls to repeal the Second Amendment, a Virginia Beach teen is planning to hold a “March for Our Guns” rally in April. Adian Jackson, 15, told…
Nick Kangadis | April 4, 2018
Well, that was racist! Washed-up actress Alyssa Milano took to Twitter Tuesday evening to display her hatred of the National Rifle Association (NRA…
Nick Kangadis | April 4, 2018
The assault on the Second Amendment continues, this time at the local level. The suburban Chicago village of Deerfield has voted unanimously to ban…
Brittany M. Hughes | April 3, 2018
A record number of guns were sold last month, marking the highest number of firearms sold in March, FBI data shows. According to the feds’…
Nick Kangadis | April 3, 2018
Ugh…Joe Biden. A name that would make even the most accepting of people cringe. Whether the former vice president is creepily lurking behind someone…
Nick Kangadis | April 2, 2018
  College students who feel like their right to free speech is being silenced on campuses across the country now have an organization who wants…
Nick Kangadis | April 2, 2018
Another day, another moron heard from concerning the Second Amendment and whether or not it should even exist. In the wake of the fossil brigade — a…
Brittany M. Hughes | April 2, 2018
Decked out in patriotic clothes and carrying American flags, dozens of students walked out of a Central Florida high school in support of gun rights…