
Craig Bannister | May 5, 2016
Pres. Obama has announced a new anti-bully task force and “hate crime” categories to stem the “rising tide of bigotry and harassment” against Asian…
Ben Graham | May 5, 2016
In support of President Obama’s renewable energy plans, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are pushing for giving 30-year permits to wind farms…
Nick Kangadis | May 4, 2016
The Washington Post reported on Wednesday that, if nothing else, “America’s police still have an ally in the Oval Office.” Really? According to…
Eric Scheiner | April 26, 2016
Ben Graham | April 20, 2016
The State Department admitted Tuesday that it is "entirely possible" that Iran has used some of the estimated $3 billion in unfrozen assets it can…
Eric Scheiner | April 19, 2016
ashley.rae | April 7, 2016
During a question and answer session at University of Chicago Law School, President Obama joked he is “sorry” his U.S. Supreme Court nominee,…
Eric Scheiner | April 6, 2016
Nick Kangadis | April 5, 2016
Who’s ready for another housing bubble? If you work for the Obama administration, your answer is likely a resounding, “yes!” The U.S. Department…
Craig Bannister | April 1, 2016
After MRCTV reported that the White House posted video muting out audio of French Pres. Francoise Hollande and his translator saying the words, “…
Craig Bannister | March 30, 2016
“President Obama has now commuted the sentences of 248 individuals — more than the last six presidents combined,” the White House declared today.…
Craig Bannister | March 28, 2016
Americans are far safer from terrorism than they are from their own homes and cars, Sec. of State John Kerry reassured U.S. citizens Saturday, the…