
Craig Bannister | May 31, 2016
Pres. Obama called for every American to put together a disaster supply kit and evacuation plan because climate change is bringing “more powerful and…
Thomas Murray | May 26, 2016
For those who are not aware, President Obama declared in April that the month of May this year would be the National Foster Care Month in order to…
Craig Bannister | May 26, 2016
When a Vietnamese attendee at a town hall asked Pres. Obama about his weed-smoking past, the U.S. president replied that he “didn’t know” if reports…
Craig Bannister | May 26, 2016
Pres. Obama asked a young Vietnamese leader to rap for him, and even provided her a “beat” to help her out at a town hall in Ho Chi Minh City…
Thomas Murray | May 24, 2016
                                    On Monday, President Obama signed a deal with philosophical enemy, but possible ally, Vietnam, which finally…
Eric Scheiner | May 23, 2016
ashley.rae | May 17, 2016
President Obama issued a statement marking what’s apparently known as the “International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia.” In his statement…
Craig Bannister | May 16, 2016
Pres. Obama said that Nordic countries would make the world “more secure and more prosperous” if "we" would just let them run things. Welcoming the…
Nick Kangadis | May 9, 2016
While President Obama continues to release “non-violent” drug offenders at an unprecedented rate, many are taking notice and are now speaking up.…
Craig Bannister | May 9, 2016
Pres. Obama doubled down on his infamous “You didn’t build that” claim when he declared “You can’t build” that and then told college graduates they…
Nick Kangadis | May 6, 2016
President Obama is at it again! The man just loves releasing people from prisons, whether it be Guantanamo or your local penitentiary. Obama…