Donald Trump

Caleb Tolin | July 19, 2018
The July 30th edition of TIME magazine will feature a photoshopped picture of President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin fused as one…
Brittany M. Hughes | July 18, 2018
Canadian (former) TV host and current radio broadcaster Alex Pierson joked about a Secret Service agent’s death on Twitter Tuesday in an effort to…
Caleb Tolin | July 18, 2018
Thanks to the tireless work of passionate activists with nothing better to do with their time, if you search Google for the word “idiot,” images of…
Brittany M. Hughes | July 17, 2018
An art gallery in Portland, Oregon is coming under fire Tuesday for displaying window "art" depicting President Donald Trump being beheaded with a…
Brittany M. Hughes | July 17, 2018
A political reporter made a major faux pas Tuesday when she tweeted that Donald Trump had met with a known Russian spy in the Oval Office – a claim…
Brittany M. Hughes | July 13, 2018
Splinter, an online publication with more than half a million Twitter followers, published a full piece Thursday mocking "rich white" SCOTUS nominee …
Patrick Hauf | July 13, 2018
President Donald Trump blasted CNN Friday morning during his joint press conference with United Kingdom Prime Minister Theresa May. “CNN is fake…
Brittany M. Hughes | July 12, 2018
Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen (Tenn.) said Thursday during a Congressional hearing that he wished he could give a Purple Heart to disgraced FBI Agent…
Eric Scheiner | July 12, 2018
"This job market is so hot right now. Unemployment is at an 18-year low. You've got more job openings than candidates, which is the first time the…
bradwilmouth | July 12, 2018
For more, see cross post at the MRC's NewsBusters blog
Patrick Hauf | July 12, 2018
President Donald Trump sent one of his supporters a signed MAGA hat after the 16-year-old was harassed at a Texas Whataburger for wearing the…
bradwilmouth | July 11, 2018
For more, see the cross post at the MRC's NewsBusters blog