Donald Trump

Scott Whitlock | June 25, 2018
[NewsBusters for more.] CNN on Monday lamented the coarsening of the culture and a tone of incivility only getting worse with each day. Network…
Cody Leach | June 25, 2018
Unsurprisingly, on Monday, MSNBC's Morning Joe returned to its usual Trump bashing. The smears started with a charge from host Joe Scarborough that…
Brittany M. Hughes | June 22, 2018
TIME magazine has issued a correction for its totally erroneous cover story that accused border patrol agents of ripping the screaming child in a now…
Brittany M. Hughes | June 22, 2018
Remember this viral video of a little girl crying hysterically as border agents prepared to “separate” her from her mother after the pair crossed the…
bradwilmouth | June 21, 2018
For more, see cross post at the MRC's NewsBusters blog
Brittany M. Hughes | June 20, 2018
President Trump signed an executive order Wednesday ending the widely unpopular practice of separating illegal alien children from their parents…
Brittany M. Hughes | June 20, 2018
A Florida man is really unhappy with the Trump administration’s immigration policies that have caused some children to be temporarily separated from…
Brittany M. Hughes | June 20, 2018
Need further proof that the left's selective outrage in defense of children is a total load of bull? Here you go. Hanoi Jane's brother, Peter Fonda…
Cody Leach | June 18, 2018
In yet another display of liberal media fearmongering, MSNBC's Morning Joe took to the airwaves on Monday to declare that the children of illegal…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | June 18, 2018
  Zach Weismueller and the gang at Reason recently produced a stinging brief documentary on how the town of Mt. Pleasant, Wisconsin, Gov. Scott…
bradwilmouth | June 16, 2018
For more, see cross post at the MRC's NewsBusters blog
Brittany M. Hughes | June 15, 2018
Sen. Lindsey Graham says he wants to work with Trump to improve the United States and the world. And if you don't like that, he apparently really…