Left-Wing News Site Blasts 'Rich White' Brett Kavanaugh For Eating Spaghetti With Tomato Sauce

Brittany M. Hughes | July 13, 2018

Splinter, an online publication with more than half a million Twitter followers, published a full piece Thursday mocking "rich white" SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh for…eating spaghetti. Which, to them, somehow makes him a racist, privileged bigot.

“Kavanaugh attended Yale Law School from ‘87 to ‘90, during which time, according to classmates, he enjoyed playing devil’s advocate in conversations with his black friend, eating pasta with ketchup, and looking down his nose at friends who enjoyed watching Jeopardy. What a fun dude,” Splinter complains.

“His friends also remember his painfully dull taste in food,” they continue, quoting an excerpt from the Yale Daily News as saying, “[W]hen it came to food, the future Supreme Court pick found hardly anything palatable, Christmas said. Kavanaugh was a 'bland eater,' his roommate explained, who never ate his pasta with anything more exotic than tomato sauce or ketchup on top. [...] ‘When he had spaghetti sauce, it was ragu — he didn’t want anything spicier than that,’ Hartmann added.

To Splinter, this alleged "blandness" is somehow symbolic of Kavanaugh's wealth and white privilege, which allow him to do horrendous things like oh, I don't know, fairly interpret the Constitution as it's written. Splinter complains:

"Kavanaugh is exactly the kind of debate club nerd who sees politics as irrelevant to his life—because they are. As a rich white guy, the political realities of the world have little to no bearing on him. He’s free to debate interpretations of the Constitution to his heart’s content, without worrying that the laws he upholds or overturns may negatively impact him or someone he loves. Must be nice!"

Yes, it appears we’ve moved on from Donald Trump eating his steak well-done with ketchup and enjoying the McDonalds value menu. Now, the left’s slamming his Supreme Court pick for buying baseball tickets and (supposedly) eating his spaghetti with plain tomato sauce to make him look racist and advantaged.

At this point, the left’s all-out hysteria over anything Trump would be laughable if it weren’t so pathetic.