Ashley Rae Goldenberg

Ashley Rae Goldenberg is a reporter for MRCTV. Before joining MRCTV, her work appeared at The Daily Caller. She graduated from George Mason University with a degree in economics in 2015.

ashley.rae | August 11, 2015
For college students fumbling their way through young adulthood, unrequited flirtation is simply a part of life. According to Maryland's Goucher College, however, “unwelcome flirtation” constitutes sexual harassment and is prohibited. In Goucher’s “Policy on Sexual Misconduct, Relationship Violence, and Stalking,” “unwelcome flirtation” is provided as an example of “sexual harassment.”…
ashley.rae | August 11, 2015
In presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s newly-unveiled plan to make college more affordable and “debt-free,” Clinton plans to require students to work and then forfeit their “earnings.” Under Clinton’s “New College Compact,” Clinton claims, “Costs won’t be a barrier” to attending public colleges and universities. The plan, which Clinton’s campaign expects to cost $350 billion over ten…
ashley.rae | August 11, 2015
While speaking on the “Today” show on Monday, Donald Trump doubled down on his rhetoric implying Megyn Kelly could be considered a “bimbo.” Shortly after the Republican presidential debate, Trump sent out a series of angry tweets directed at the Fox News anchor for her alleged mishandling of the debate. One of Trump’s tweets was a retweet of another individual who referred to Kelly as a “bimbo…
ashley.rae | August 10, 2015
Two of biggest winners from last week’s Republican presidential debates appear to be Carly Fiorina and Ben Carson. According to Public Policy Polling (PPP), Fiorina’s favorability rating has increased from 30 percent to 56 percent since PPP conducted its Iowa poll in April. Overall, among Republicans, 10 percent now report they would vote for Fiorina as their top choice for the Republican…
ashley.rae | August 10, 2015
In a statement issued on Aug. 7, Target announced it will be “moving away from gender-based signs.” According to Target, people have vocalized feeling “frustrated or limited by the way things are presented.” “Over the past year, guests have raised important questions about a handful of signs in our stores that offer product suggestions based on gender,” Target continued. “Historically,…
ashley.rae | August 10, 2015
Yesterday, on the one-year anniversary of the death of Michael Brown that fueled the Ferguson riots and the Black Lives Matter movement, presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt) unveiled a new “Racial Justice” platform. Sanders’ platform includes having Black Lives Matter protesters help “reinvent how we police America,” the proclamation that America is worse than the “Communist…
ashley.rae | August 7, 2015
Donald Trump is now calling for Fox News contributor Charles Krauthammer to be fired after Krauthammer criticized Trump’s performance at last night’s Republican presidential debate. While appearing on The Kelly File, Krauthammer said the debate showed the “collapse” of Trump:  “The real story is the collapse of Trump in this debate. I thought this, before I saw the Luntz group, but I think it…
ashley.rae | August 7, 2015
After reporting feeling personally attacked by Megyn Kelly’s questions at the first Republican presidential debate, Donald Trump took to Twitter to share posts calling the Fox News anchor a “bimbo” and accusing her of having a “hidden agenda.” In a series of tweets and retweets, Trump shared his views on Kelly’s debate moderation tactics: Trump was particularly upset over…
ashley.rae | August 6, 2015
After the Democratic National Committee (DNC) announced its “sanctioned” presidential debate lineup, Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley allegedly accused the DNC of “facilitating a coronation” for his opponent, Hillary Clinton. O’Malley reportedly said in a statement, “By inserting themselves into the debate process, the DNC has ironically made it less democratic. The schedule…