Ashley Rae Goldenberg

Ashley Rae Goldenberg is a reporter for MRCTV. Before joining MRCTV, her work appeared at The Daily Caller. She graduated from George Mason University with a degree in economics in 2015.

ashley.rae | August 17, 2015
A scheduled performance by Jewish reggae artist Matisyahu was canceled because Matisyahu would not issue a statement in support of Palestine.  The Rototom Sunsplash Reggae Festival announced its decision to cancel Matisyahu’s Aug. 22 performance in a statement, which refers to Matisyahu as an “American Hebrew”: “[A]fter having repeatedly sought dialogue given the unavailability of the artist…
ashley.rae | August 17, 2015
In order to entice college students to intern at Hillary Clinton’s swanky Brooklyn campaign headquarters for no pay, the Clinton campaign promised “free coffee” and “great views” along with “the chance to make history.” The Clinton campaign sent out a tweet yesterday with a link describing the perks of interning at Clinton’s NYC headquarters: The link provided to apply for the…
ashley.rae | August 17, 2015
Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton joked about her ongoing email scandal while speaking at a Democratic fundraiser in Iowa on Friday. During her speech, Clinton applauded the social media application Snapchat. Snapchat operates by automatically deleting messages within a certain amount of time once the recipient sees the message. “By the way, you may have seen that I recently launched a…
ashley.rae | August 14, 2015
Yesterday, the Guardian sought to answer a question no one is asking: “Why can straight white men have sex with men without social consequences?” “If I have learned anything in my life so far,” Zach Stafford writes, “[I]t’s that the only group of people more obsessed with touching a penis than gay men is straight ones. Promise.” In order to prove his point that allegedly straight men are…
ashley.rae | August 14, 2015
The University of Texas at Austin (UT) has announced it will be removing a statue of Jefferson Davis from its Main Mall as part of the university president’s mission to promote diversity and create an “inclusive environment.” UT’s president Gregory L. Fenves wrote in a statement it is “not in the university’s best interest to continue commemorating him [Jefferson Davis] on our Main Mall.”…
ashley.rae | August 13, 2015
The official White House affiliated Twitter account for the Iran deal made light of the agreement by posting a meme referencing the upcoming “Straight Outta Compton” movie. In order to promote the “Straight Outta Compton” film about the hip-hop group N.W.A, the website "Straight Outta Somewhere" was created so individuals could post photos of themselves representing their respective hometowns.…
ashley.rae | August 13, 2015
One of Hillary Clinton’s released emails contains a request for a book that teaches how to delete emails, ABC News reports. In an email, Clinton asked to borrow the book, “SEND: Why People Email so Badly and How to Do it Better” by David Shipley and Will Schwalbe. One of the chapters in the book is titled, “The Email That Can Land You in Jail.” Examples provided of “Stupid (and Real) Email…
ashley.rae | August 13, 2015
Just a few months after the Baltimore riots, the University of Maryland law school is offering a course examining the death of Freddie Gray and the Baltimore "disturbances." "Freddie Gray’s Baltimore: Past, Present and Moving Forward" is an eight-week course offered by the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law. The course claims Gray’s death and the Baltimore riots "have…
ashley.rae | August 12, 2015
The latest poll of Democrat voters in New Hampshire shows Socialist Bernie Sanders (I-Vt) is now leading front-runner Hillary Clinton. The Franklin Pierce University/Boston Herald poll, which sampled likely New Hampshire Democratic primary voters from Aug. 7-10, found that 44 percent would vote for Sanders compared to just 37 percent for Clinton. This marks a huge improvement for Sanders…
ashley.rae | August 12, 2015
According to the Huffington Post, white women need to “shut the f**ck up.” In a video posted on the Huffington Post’s Facebook page titled, “Why We Need To Talk About White Feminism,” Zeba Blay, a culture writer at HuffPost Voices, and Emma Gray, the senior women’s editor for the Huffington Post, explain why “White Feminism” is “so problematic.” In the video, “White Feminism” is defined as “…