Ashley Rae Goldenberg

Ashley Rae Goldenberg is a reporter for MRCTV. Before joining MRCTV, her work appeared at The Daily Caller. She graduated from George Mason University with a degree in economics in 2015.

ashley.rae | August 24, 2015
As presidential candidates tout their plans to make college more accessible and affordable (even “free”), new findings reveal that billions of dollars in grants may be squandered on students who never finish college. The Pell grant program is aimed at students who cannot afford to attend college. Unlike the case with college loans, Pell grants are not repaid. Although Pell grants cost…
ashley.rae | August 24, 2015
Presidential candidate Ben Carson is lashing out at the media mischaracterizing his recent statements on the use of drones to enforce border security. When speaking on the topic of immigration enforcement, Carson stated, “We can use a whole series of things to do that, not just fences and walls but electronic surveillance, drones and many of the techniques that are used to keep people out of…
ashley.rae | August 21, 2015
As the "Ashley Madison" data leak causes many to question the fidelity of their spouses, a recent poll has found 42% of men do not believe humans are naturally monogamous. The YouGov poll on attitudes towards relationship arrangements defined monogamy as “the practice of having only one sexual partner at a time” and then asked 1,000 American adults, “Do you think human beings are monogamous by…
ashley.rae | August 20, 2015
The Transgender Law Center and the Gay-Straight Alliance Network have embarked on a selfie campaign encouraging transgender children to come out and share their “truth”—about being trans. According to the Transgender Law Center, “Everyone experiences their gender differently. There is no wrong way to be trans.” “Through the #transTRUTH selfie campaign, youth can celebrate the diversity of trans…
ashley.rae | August 20, 2015
Approximately a third of young Americans do not believe they are completely straight, according to a newly released survey. The YouGov poll asked 1,000 respondents to place themselves on a sexuality scale, with 0 corresponding with “completely heterosexual” and 6 denoting “completely homosexual.” While 78 percent of the total surveyed viewed themselves as completely heterosexual, only 64…
ashley.rae | August 19, 2015
A new poll shows 55 percent of registered voters have an unfavorable opinion of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. The Aug. 13-16 CNN/ORC poll asked individuals to state their opinions on certain topics that have been trending in the news. Asked whether they hold a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Clinton, 55 percent of registered voters responded they have an unfavorable opinion of…
ashley.rae | August 19, 2015
After an event in Las Vegas, Clinton made yet another joke about her email scandal. Fox News’ Ed Henry asked Clinton, “The FBI believes that you tried to wipe the entire server. Did you try to wipe the entire server so that there would be no emails—no personal, no official—did you wipe the whole thing?” “Well, my personal emails are my personal business, right?” Clinton responded. “So I—so we…
ashley.rae | August 18, 2015
The Obama administration announced today the hiring of its first openly transgender White House staffer, Raffi Freedman-Gurspan. Freedman-Gurspan has not always been supportive of Obama and his policies, however. In 2014, Freedman-Gurspan took part in an immigration reform march that was critical of Obama. Freedman-Gurspan posted a photo on Facebook referring to Obama as the “Deporter in Chief…
ashley.rae | August 18, 2015
After Black Lives Matter protesters upstaged fellow Democratic presidential candidates Martin O’Malley and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt), Hillary Clinton held a private meeting with Black Lives Matter supporters. During the conversation with the activists, Clinton said America has not recovered from its “original sin” and referred to fellow white people as “us sinners.” Five activists attempted…
ashley.rae | August 18, 2015
A Fox News poll reveals only three percent of Democrats believe Hillary Clinton has been telling the truth about her email scandal. After providing a brief explanation of the Clinton email scandal, the Fox News poll asked 1,008 registered voters, “Do you think Clinton knowingly lied about the emails or there’s another explanation?” Only two percent of voters responded, “Clinton told the truth…