
Ben Graham | January 12, 2016
Civilian-owned drones have been sky-rocketing in popularity since the FAA started officially certifying them in 2013. Perhaps we should have all…
Nick Kangadis | January 12, 2016
(Image: Glen Stubbe) Back in October, Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton addressed the people of St. Cloud at a “Community Conversation” on the state's…
Monica Sanchez | January 12, 2016
Attorney and longtime professor at Harvard Law School Alan Dershowitz said on “Fox & Friends” Tuesday morning that college campuses have become…
Jeffdunetz | January 12, 2016
In recent years, United Nations (U.N.) peacekeeping teams have become known more for sexual scandals than for keeping peace. The most recent …
Alan Moore | January 12, 2016
Tonight, President Obama will give his last State of the Union Address. Over the past seven years, Obama has outlined many proposals and made quite a…
Monica Sanchez | January 12, 2016
Image via Screenshot In an interview with CNN’s Gloria Borger on Tuesday, Vice President Joe Biden criticized GOP presidential front-runner Donald…
ashley.rae | January 12, 2016
The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) has called on Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to explain how she plans on…
Brittany M. Hughes | January 12, 2016
What do teachers not paying attention, black women working on computers and behavior-altering bumper stickers all have in common? Your government…
Nick Kangadis | January 12, 2016
(Image: Scott Olson/Getty Images) 2016 Presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson’s loss appears to be Sen. Ted Cruz’s gain. Five paid staffers in New…
Brittany M. Hughes | January 12, 2016
Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin recently announced his state will close its state-run health insurance marketplace, making it the first state to dismantle…
ashley.rae | January 12, 2016
Pessimists, misanthropes, and doomsayers, rejoice: you are not alone. A new survey reveals majorities in 15 countries around the world think the…
mrctvstaff | January 12, 2016
The president will be delivering his State of the Union address tonight. In this address, he will be laying out plans for the next year on what he…
danjoseph | January 12, 2016
The Department of Health and Human Services has announced that insurance costs under Obamacare will spike for roughly 43,000 Americans who will…
danjoseph | January 12, 2016
For Muslims, praying to Allah five times a day is mandatory. It is perhaps the most important requirement of the Islamic faith. But one group of…
danjoseph | January 12, 2016
One woman has America laughing in a viral video captured after her Tulsa, Oklahoma building caught on fire.  While apartment fires are usually no…
danjoseph | January 12, 2016
It's been just over a week into the the new year, and more than 100 people have been shot in the city of Chicago. As of Monday morning, 19 people…
Ben Graham | January 11, 2016
  Street corner evangelist Adam LaCroix was using a megaphone to preach on campus at the University of South Florida when a campus police officer …
ashley.rae | January 11, 2016
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump not only has praise for Russian President Vladimir Putin, but he believes “maniac” North Korean…
Nick Kangadis | January 11, 2016
(Image: Jordan Strauss/Associated Press) Entertainment Weekly recently confirmed that Academy Award winning actress, Sandra Bullock, will lead an…
danjoseph | January 11, 2016
Have you ever wondered how McDonalds makes their Chicken McNuggets? Nope? Me neither. But why is that?  For many, it's because they love the taste…