
Jpoor | September 4, 2009
Ed Schultz, David Shuster use shows on cable network to attack the Oklahoma senator for criticizing Obama, suggesting he threatens their safety. | September 3, 2009
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said that passing health care reform through "reconciliation" -- 51 votes in Senate instead of 60 -- is…
Stephen Gutowski | September 3, 2009
Democrat Baron Hill tells a questioner that she cant record the town hall because HE sets the rules!
MarkF | September 3, 2009
Ed Schultz claims he never saw a Dem at a rally with a Bush = Hitler sign.
MRCvidprod | September 3, 2009
President looks back unhappily on how he spent his vacation.
JuliaSeymour | September 3, 2009
John Roberts and guests attack bank executives for making millions on Sept. 3 "American Morning." One guest called for the U.S. to have "backbone"…
Jpoor | September 3, 2009
Daily Voice editor and CNBC contributor Keith Boykin likens Obama classroom simulcast to the voice of ‘common sense.’
Geoffrey | September 3, 2009
Move over Al Gore, NBC's Meredith Vieira and Natalie Morales have discovered the new face of global warming and it's a glacier.
Jpoor | September 2, 2009
‘The ED Show’ host insists health care reform is ‘moral obligation’ and expresses his bewilderment that religious leaders aren’t taking up the cause.
Rich Noyes | September 2, 2009
Hours after Senator Ted Kennedy passed away, NBC anchor Brian Williams related an e-mail he received: "In lieu of flowers, pass health care reform."
Stephen Gutowski | September 2, 2009
In the 1950's Ronald Reagan was already warning people of the dangers of socialized medicine
Stephen Gutowski | September 2, 2009
February 11th 2009: during a lecture at Berkeley Van Jones, Obama's green jobs czar, says the reason Obama isnt having more success is that…
Ken Shepherd | September 2, 2009
Gov. Bobby Jindal's use of state money to fly around the state for church visits (and visits with local officials) is akin to Gov. Mark Sanford's…
khanna | September 2, 2009
Rachel Maddow Show, August 31 and 24, 2009.
JuliaSeymour | September 2, 2009
NBC points out the "major concessions" the United Auto Workers union made as GM and Chrysler headed for bankruptcy. | September 2, 2009
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D.-Md.) told a town hall meeting that the health care bill would not lead to a tax hike or deficit spending, and…
Ken Shepherd | September 2, 2009
On the Saturday August 29 "Good Morning America," ABC touted a German city that has rid itself of all cars. Reporter Jim Sciutto tried to find… | September 2, 2009
Anyone who posts comments on the White House’s Facebook, MySpace, YouTube and Twitter pages will have their statements captured and permanently… | September 2, 2009
U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan said he is a fan of "good" charter schools, not all charter schools, and those that are not performing should be…
Jpoor | September 1, 2009
Columnist Dan Savage, noted as an ‘author and activist’ accuses Fox News host and Minnesota congresswoman ‘heating’ up rhetoric to at the ‘peril’ of…