
Scott Whitlock | August 27, 2009
On Thursday's Good Morning America, Diane Sawyer and other ABC journalists spun liberal legislation by Ted Kennedy as gifts to the whole country.…
Ken Shepherd | August 27, 2009
MSNBC host Chris Matthews appeared three times on Wednesday’s Today show to lionize Sen. Ted Kennedy, and twice he promoted Barack Obama as the "last…
JuliaSeymour | August 27, 2009
CNN's Heidi Collins reported on Aug. 27 that the Cash for Clunkers program is going to cause a "price spike" in new cars.
Jpoor | August 26, 2009
Liberal MSNBC/radio host and HuffPo editor argue less than a day after the Massachusetts senator’s death to use it as a ‘rallying cry for…
Jpoor | August 26, 2009
Fox News host, conservative radio talker express concern over administration's policy manuevers
Stephen Gutowski | August 26, 2009
Seton Motley discusses how the FCC wants to censor conservative speech
MarkF | August 26, 2009
MSNBC's David Shuster claims Ted Kennedy, the man who invented borking, "didn't dabble in petty personal attacks." | August 26, 2009
Democratic Rep. Jim Moran falsely accused a constituent attending a town hall meeting of pretending to be someone else.
Stephen Gutowski | August 26, 2009
On the day his lt governor calls for his resignation he decides to respond...
Scott Whitlock | August 26, 2009
ABC's Terry Moran on August 26 spun Ted Kennedy’s political career as one of a "happy warrior" who should be looked to for direction in "these bitter…
Kyle Drennen | August 26, 2009
CBS News historian Douglas Brinkley reacted to the death of Senator Ted Kennedy by prediciting that the Massachusetts Democrat would become a "martyr…
Randall Terry | August 26, 2009
Obama is going to save us money on healthcare, I wonder which corners he will cut? Obama opposed the "Born Alive Act," ( a bill that would prevent…
Randall Terry | August 26, 2009
Obama is going to save us money on healthcare, I wonder which corners he will cut? Obama opposed the "Born Alive Act," ( a bill that would…
Randall Terry | August 26, 2009
You have to save money somehow.
JuliaSeymour | August 26, 2009
NBC examined the possibility of the Obama administration accepting a health care co-op plan instead of a public option.
MarkF | August 26, 2009
Chris Matthews analogizes the mood of America today with that of the Dallas of 1963 in which JFK was assassinated.
Jpoor | August 25, 2009
‘Hardball’ host perplexed why President isn’t being celebrated for stock market rally and easing economic bad news.
Jpoor | August 25, 2009
Maher on Senate Health Care Deliberations: Sen. Max Baucus ‘Needs to Wake-Up Tomorrow with an Intern’s Head in his Bed’ HBO ‘Real Time’ host… | August 25, 2009
The former commander of the U.S.S. Cole assailed the release of a terrorist suspected of murdering U.S. soldiers.
Stephen Gutowski | August 25, 2009
My God... I want one