This is just a glimpse of the networks' evening news coverage of the union protests since Feb. 16, 2011.
The coal industry is not a favorite of the network news media, the bulk of whose coverage of coal is about tragic accidents. On Oct. 5, 2010, Jim Sciutto proved that reporters could make the coal industry look bad even when some other industry spilled their chemicals.
CNBC's Rick Santelli criticized CNBC panelists for trying to find good news in a "disappointing" jobs report. "This is not great data," Santelli warned.
The network news media often hold up the Congressional Budget Office's "non-partisan" scores on health care reform as authoritative. But the former CBO director has said the claims are the result of nonsense data.
CNBC's Squawk Box panel reacted to the December 2010 jobs report with caution, especially regarding the 9.4 percent unemployment rate.
In the past month, very few network news stories about health care have mentioned the extent of public opposition to the bill. "World News" was one of the two exceptions the Business & Media Institute found.
In 2006, high gas prices were a challenge for Bush, but in 2010 Obama's name is not mentioned by "Nightline."
Mike Pence Tells America's Newsroom why He Voted Against The Tax Cut Bill.
CBS "Early Show" turned to liberal Democrat Dick Durbin on Dec. 14, to react to the federal court decision ruling against ObamaCare's individual mandate. Durbin defended the legislation as "sound."
MSNBC's "Morning Joe" brought Mark Haines of CNBC on to discuss the November 2010 jobs report Dec. 3. Haines said the rise in unemployment was disappointing and would make it difficult to increase taxes.