
Brittany M. Hughes | March 21, 2017
Just when you thought college campuses couldn't get any more ridiculous, Black Lives Matter activists at a Virginia university now say they're…
Nick Kangadis | March 17, 2017
(Image: Corwin Parks) You know the old saying, “Milk does a body good?” Well, it does, and you’re a racist. Samantha Diaz, a writer for…
Nick Kangadis | March 14, 2017
And people wonder why the educational system in the United States is failing. According to the Associated Press (AP), a test designed to evaluate…
Nick Kangadis | March 2, 2017
At "Uncommon Sense," the mind-numbingly stupid will find no refuge. The sky is blue. Water is wet. Look both ways when crossing the street. Use…
Brittany M. Hughes | March 1, 2017
Something pretty atrocious happened in Rochester, New York over the weekend: a bunch of teenage girls decided it'd be fun to "twerk" all over a cop…
Nick Kangadis | February 15, 2017
Have you had your daily does of “tolerance” today? No? Well, this should fill that quota. Students at a college in Pennsylvania will begin wearing…
Nick Kangadis | February 14, 2017
At "Uncommon Sense," the mind-numbingly stupid will find no refuge. The sky is blue. Water is wet. Look both ways when crossing the street. Billie…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 7, 2017
Perpetual race baiter and delusional MLK knockoff Shaun King, writing as a contributor for the New York Daily News, is now claiming that his own…
Nick Kangadis | February 6, 2017
Ah, the Super Bowl. A time when people of all backgrounds come together to eat mass quantities of cheese, beef and chicken. And for the biggest…
Brittany M. Hughes | January 16, 2017
As Martin Luther King Day dawned in America Monday morning, a headline tweeted out by USA Today prominently displayed the following message in bold…
Nick Kangadis | January 10, 2017
Another bumbling idiot from the Left has been heard from, and if it wasn’t my job to report and comment on it, I’d just laugh in this fool’s face…
Brittany M. Hughes | December 8, 2016
(Jody Smith and Nicholas Smarr, both shot Wednesday morning after responding to a domestic dispute call, had reportedly been friends for years. Photo…