
Brittany M. Hughes | November 9, 2015
(Members of the Legion of Black Collegians and the Concerned Student 1950 supporters gather Saturday after a protest on campus. Photo Credit: Ellise…
ashley.rae | November 2, 2015
Presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) physically embraced a George Mason University student who described Republicans as Islamophobes…
ashley.rae | October 21, 2015
High school band members in Texas are being punished after the school determined the team’s gift basket to a rival school displayed “racial…
Jeffrey Meyer | October 21, 2015
Video cross-posted here at NewsBusters. Soopermexican at The Right Scoop found another definitive Melissa Harris-Perry moment on Saturday morning. In…
ashley.rae | October 14, 2015
Democratic presidential candidate Jim Webb denounced his fellow Democrats for using “white working males” as a “whipping post” and then calling…
Brittany M. Hughes | September 15, 2015
(Photo credit: Getty Images) The federal government just awarded a $386,597 grant, courtesy of the American taxpayer, to the University of Arizona…
Alan Moore | September 3, 2015
Well, this certainly does look suspect. An attendant at Dragon Con in Atlanta posted a video on YouTube showing something suspicious. The video was…
anthony.christopher | September 3, 2015
#CleanHandsMatter The Internet is currently up in arms over a video that claims that this soap dispenser is racist.  Look! It even only dispenses…
anthony.christopher | August 26, 2015
During Yesterday evening's press conference in Dubuque, Iowa, presidential candidate Donald Trump had Univision anchor Jorge Ramos tossed out for…
danjoseph | July 15, 2015
How much does the liberal media talk about race and racism these days?  A LOT! Here's a quick montage showing just how race obsessed the left has…