
Nick Kangadis | April 4, 2018
Well, that was racist! Washed-up actress Alyssa Milano took to Twitter Tuesday evening to display her hatred of the National Rifle Association (NRA…
Nick Kangadis | March 30, 2018
Why doesn’t Buzzfeed just admit that they do little to no research before doing — well, anything? Their "journalism" is like the colostomy bag on…
Nick Kangadis | March 27, 2018
If you’re a person that looks hard enough for something, odds are you’ll most likely find it. That seems to be the case with a recently taken down…
Brittany M. Hughes | March 22, 2018
Columbia College in Chicago is hosting a free lecture on “whiteness in decline” in America as part of a larger series on “The ‘Forgotten Man’ in the…
Nick Kangadis | March 16, 2018
It’s really hilarious when something doesn’t go quite as planned for those on the Left. When all else fails, they use anything at their disposal to…
Brittany M. Hughes | March 15, 2018
“Report: White Men Stockpile Guns Because They’re Afraid of Black People.” That’s an honest-to-God headline that somehow made it past the editors’…
Nick Kangadis | March 14, 2018
CNN’s Jim Acosta is the epitome of why people laugh at the media these days. Acosta’s constant state of being triggered at literally anything anyone…
Nick Kangadis | March 13, 2018
Antifa showed up at yet another college campus, and yet again the radical group showed why they’re the real fascists. The pro-Trump group Unite…
Eric Scheiner | March 9, 2018
Some socialist activists are now connecting guns to white supremacy. “I think when we talk about gun rights we’re not having a conversation about…
Brittany M. Hughes | March 6, 2018
Authorities are so far refusing to point to racism as a motive after a black man who vowed to shoot up a school and “kill all white people”…