Donald Trump

Nick Kangadis | January 23, 2017
Apparently, those Project Veritas videos exposing how truly awful the DisruptJ20 inauguration protesters really are weren’t as staged as the J20…
Eric Scheiner | January 23, 2017
Nick Kangadis | January 23, 2017
It's a bird! It's a plane! It's...just another celebrity protester. "Supergirl' star" Melissa Benoist joined in with the likes of Madonna, Ashley…
MRC Contributor | January 23, 2017
President Donald Trump continues to deliver on a multitude of campaign promises in the infancy of his presidency, getting immediately down to…
MRC Contributor | January 23, 2017
Ten-year old Barron Trump, Trump's youngest son and the first boy in the White House since JFK Jr., was shamelessly called both a “rapist” and a “…
Zach Montanaro | January 21, 2017
Donald Trump was inaugurated as President yesterday, and it took exactly zero seconds for the liberal media to start spinning and twisting the…
Monica Sanchez | January 20, 2017
(Image via Twitter) Hollywood liberals took to Twitter on Friday during Donald Trump’s inauguration to express their unrelenting disapproval of…
Monica Sanchez | January 20, 2017
(Image via Twitter) After being sworn in as the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump delivered an inaugural address with a strong…
Monica Sanchez | January 20, 2017
(Image via Twitter) Update 3:09 PM EST: President Trump toasted Hillary and Bill Clinton for attending the inaugural luncheon on Capitol Hill…
Andrew Mullins | January 20, 2017
As expected, Soros-funded protests have been erupting in DC for Donald Trump’s inauguration. While peaceful protests are expected, and okay,…
Eric Scheiner | January 20, 2017
ashley.rae | January 20, 2017
Anti-Donald Trump protesters clashed with Trump supporters outside the National Press Club, which was holding the inaugural “DeploraBall,” Thursday…