Brittany M. Hughes
Managing Editor

Brittany is the managing editor of MRCTV and MRC Culture. She hosts the weekly podcast "The Brittany Hughes Show" and previously hosted "Reality Check" on MRCTV. She's a graduate of the College of William and Mary. Before coming to MRCTV, she worked as an investigative reporter for CNS News. Prior to that, she was an education and politics reporter in Danville, Virginia. 

Brittany M. Hughes | November 21, 2016
After nearly two weeks of coming to terms with the unexpected kick-in-the-face that was Donald Trump's defeat of Hillary Clinton, the media is now stepping in to help guide Special Snowflakes with unhealed post-election wounds through the horrible prospect of having to talk to their Trump-friendly relatives while passing the Thanksgiving Day stuffing. A quick Google search brings up no less…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 21, 2016
Immigration officials at the U.S. Mexico border have been forced to open a new temporary facility in Texas to accommodate a recent surge of illegal alien border crossers, a wave of nearly 1,500 people per day that once again threaten to overwhelm border patrol and create a housing crisis for thousands of alien families and children.  In October alone, Customs and Border Protection apprehended…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 18, 2016
According to a recent report from the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) may have cost taxpayers up to $3 billion in waste, fraud and abuse under its insufficiently monitored grant program in FY2016, after having shrugged off about $413 million in questionable grant payments that auditors found the year before. In a…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 17, 2016
Less than a year after promising in Paris to cut back on CO2 emissions to tamp down on alleged man-made climate change, China is ramping up coal production because it’s people actually want to stay warm in the winter. Due to an increased demand for coal coupled with a short supply and impending winter weather, the communist regime is now allowing coal plants to run for 330 days as opposed to the…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 16, 2016
Trump started hiring people for the White House this week, including Breitbart boss Steve Bannon who will serve as his chief strategist. And, the media wasted exactly zero time slamming Trump and Bannon as racist, sexist bigots. This is why Americans are sick of you, and it’s why your ratings are in the toilet. They’re sick of left-wing journalists pointing their almight finger at conservatives…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 14, 2016
On Halloween night, somewhere between 2:15 and 3 a.m., 26-year-old Roberto Carlos Flores Sibrian crashed into a young woman’s car with his SUV on a dark Northern Virginia highway. Rather than call for help, Sibrian proceeded to haul the young woman from her car, drag her into a nearby ditch and rape her for two hours. When he was done, Sibrian fled the scene, leaving behind both his shirt and…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 11, 2016
Immediately following Donald Trump’s massive upset over Hillary Clinton at the polls Tuesday, a bunch of special snowflakes who didn’t get their way took to the streets to protest the new president-elect, proceeding to flip cars, burn stuff and cause general manic and mayhem. Because in America, this is apparently how we solve our problems now. Didn't get what you wanted? Burn a car. But while…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 10, 2016
You guys remember Gerald Daugherty? He's the Travis County Commissioner who thankfully blessed America with a clean, non-partisan, absolutely hilarious political ad a couple weeks ago that had Democrats and Republicans rolling alike. It looks like congrats are in order for the incumbent commissioner -- and his poor wife, Charlyn, who was apparently really stressed out the possibility of her…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 10, 2016
A stunned and bewildered media are having the darndest time trying to figure out how Donald Trump actually beat out Hillary Clinton to become the next president of the United States. Following Tuesday's election, in which Trump won handily against the Democratic opponent who'd vowed to carry on President Obama's progressive legacy, the poor melting snowflakes over at CNN and MSNBC spent the next…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 10, 2016
While the liberal media reeled from the news of Donald Trump’s election as the next president of the United States Wednesday, U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced they’d apprehended a sexual assaulter and a murderer who were in the United States illegally. CBP officials said they caught 30-year-old Jorge Francisco Alarcon-Vaquera, a Mexican national, on Nov. 2. Alarcon-Vaquera had…