Brittany M. Hughes
Managing Editor

Brittany is the managing editor of MRCTV and MRC Culture. She hosts the weekly podcast "The Brittany Hughes Show" and previously hosted "Reality Check" on MRCTV. She's a graduate of the College of William and Mary. Before coming to MRCTV, she worked as an investigative reporter for CNS News. Prior to that, she was an education and politics reporter in Danville, Virginia. 

Brittany M. Hughes | December 2, 2016
Still freshly heartbroken over Hillary Clinton's loss to President-elect Donald Trump a few weeks ago, the liberal media has found a new scapegoat to blame for the Democratic candidate's loss -- so-called "fake news." Predictably, perpetrators of these hoaxes, conspiracies and lies are almost always conservative, according to the media. And not to be left out, we here at the Media Research…
Brittany M. Hughes | December 1, 2016
An illegal alien gang member charged with the shooting death a New Jersey high school student outside Barack Obama Academy was sentenced to life in prison in federal court Wednesday. Hugo Palencia, a.k.a. “Taliban,” was convicted back in June for his involvement in the murder of 17-year-old Plainsfield student Spencer Cadogan, who was shot in the head and killed in broad daylight as he was…
Brittany M. Hughes | December 1, 2016
Recent government data shows that more than two-thirds of the aliens the Obama administration has brought to the United States under the president's Central American Minors program weren’t actually minors at all. To date, more than 10,600 Central Americans from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador have applied for refugee status or humanitarian parole under the CAM program, the State Department…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 30, 2016
Federal prosecutions for immigration violations have declined by 15 percent over the past five years, new data from the U.S. Department of Justice recently revealed. A new report compiled by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) at Syracuse University shows that immigration violations comprised a stunning 52 percent of all federal prosecutions in FY 2016, easily beating out total…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 29, 2016
Donald Trump suggested via Twitter on Tuesday that burning the American flag should be criminalized, and that those who burn the flag should be jailed or have their citizenship revoked. Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag - if they do, there must be consequences - perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 29, 2016 The burning of…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 28, 2016
According to local reports, the man who attacked a crowd of people on the Ohio State University campus Monday morning has been identified as an 18-year-old Somali refugee who’d been allowed into the United States and even granted legal permanent resident status, all before deciding to hack people up with a knife. Abdul Artan, who was a student at the university, reportedly plowed into a group…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 28, 2016
Update (12:41 p.m. EST): According to reports, the suspect(s) in Monday's incident at Ohio State University was armed with a large knife. Police officials have stated that gunshots mentioned in earlier reports may have come from law enforcement officials in their attempt to stop the attacker. Update (12:28 p.m. EST): Fox News has now reported that 10 victims have been transported to a local…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 28, 2016
So that immigration crisis you never hear about on your evening news? It’s not over. Not by a long shot. With only a few months left to go before a new president obtains the keys to the Oval Office, the Obama administration released another 6,051 unaccompanied alien children into American communities in the month of October, averaging about 195 kids per day. According to recent stats released…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 22, 2016
Headlines lit up Tuesday morning with the news that a vicious “alt-right” white supremacist group had spent the prior evening hailing Donald Trump’s presidential victory and casting Nazi salutes in support of some misguided vision of white nationalism. Media outlets rushed to report with almost a perverse glee about how Trump’s shocking election had launched leagues of neo-Nazi racists back…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 22, 2016
Even as network anchor Brian Stelter blames Donald Trump's election on conservative outlets that allegedly pushed so-called “fake news” during the campaign (including taking aim at MRCTV's sister outlet, Newsbusters), CNN begrudgingly admitted Tuesday that according to its own poll, most Americans actually think Trump will do a pretty good job as president – even compared with the confidence…