mental illness

Nick Kangadis | September 12, 2024
Folks, mental illness is real, and gone untreated, this is the kind of BS we can expect as part of a warped “news cycle.” This isn’t what I thought I…
Nick Kangadis | July 12, 2024
Yeah, the activists are right — the whole trans thing totally has no connection to mental illness. I’m not going to say her name (because screw she/…
Nick Kangadis | February 7, 2024
I’m not scared of being “cancelled,” because who the h-e-double hockey sticks am I? That being said, a member of the trans community put their mental…
Nick Kangadis | December 14, 2023
Look, this might not win me very many fans, but I simply don’t care anymore. If the trans people we constantly see complaining on social media aren’t…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 13, 2023
Where’d all the happy people go? Not in the UK, it turns out. According to this, the number of people with “hidden disabilities” - to include a…
Nick Kangadis | September 28, 2023
Kids can be cruel to each other. But what can be even more cruel is lying to a child and telling them that they can be whatever gender they want.…
Nick Kangadis | October 27, 2022
Even though the term has been politically sanitized over the years, assisted suicide has been a regulated law on the books in Canada since 2016. But…
Wallace White | July 28, 2022
What if antidepressants don’t really work? Jezebel’s Emily Leibert would cover her ears and scream, apparently. She’s upset that science is…
Abby Streetman | June 12, 2021
America’s closest neighbor, Canada, has made mis-gendering transgender people an illegal act. But don’t fret! The10 Jewelry has just released a “…
Dan Montanaro | April 9, 2020
Once you know one song really well, it can become all you ever sing anymore, as actor Alec Baldwin yet again took a shot at supporters of Donald…
Brittany M. Hughes | December 30, 2019
Actress-turned-progressive activist Alyssa Milano slammed Donald Trump for using the word “crazy” in his tweets, most often to describe his political…