Hands Off My Pills: Jezebel Laments Antidepressants Being Questioned

Wallace White | July 28, 2022
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What if antidepressants don’t really work? Jezebel’s Emily Leibert would cover her ears and scream, apparently. She’s upset that science is questioning the efficacy of Selective Serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) as a depression treatment and raged about it on July 26.

A recent study showed the misunderstanding of where depression comes from in clinical psychology, disproving the so-called “chemical imbalance” theory of depression. It was previously thought that depression was caused in large part by a lack of serotonin neurochemically, and the use of SSRIs were a way to treat it. Now, it’s been reported that it’s much more complex than that, and SSRIs effect may not be what was once believed.

The Highland Park shooting got a conversation started on mental health and how it is dealt with in the U.S. The U.S has been using these medications more and more over the years, and after a clearly deranged person committed an atrocity in greater Chicago, it became a topic of debate, along with wider conversations around the spiritual and mental degeneration in the country.

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Leibert says in her piece that “The longest and most successful relationship I’ve ever been in is with my own despair,” telling us that she does indeed suffer from lots of mental anguish herself, and that “Being medicated saved my life.”

That’s terrible. Depression sucks. But lashing out against critics of antidepressants is unwarranted.

She even quoted Tucker Carlson and declared it a “morsel of truth.” Tucker said on his show, “These drugs mask the real problems … You’re suffering for a real reason that drugs can’t fix.” 

That’s the crux of the discussion around medicating mental health issues. Why is this a problem to simply discuss? 

But she wouldn’t be a lefty if she didn’t internalize politics, so she moans, “And he’s right: Drugs can’t fix the crumbling of our democracy …This is the one medication keeping me afloat at a time when our rights are being stripped away at a shocking pace.” 

Dependence on any drug is a bad thing. You are the only person that can keep yourself afloat, and you have the power to heal, drugs notwithstanding.

Carlson is right. All mental illness treatment that works is focused on educating the self on how to overcome distress, and to ascend above despair. Drugs are a band-aid on a bullethole. 

Simply acknowledging the limitations and misunderstandings of drugs for mental health treatment should not be controversial.