Eric Scheiner | November 17, 2015
Ryan: 'All Options' to Defeat ISIS 'Should Be Placed Upon the Table' See More at:…
Jeffrey Meyer | November 17, 2015
During an appearance on FBN's Varney & Co. Tuesday, MRC President Brent Bozell discussed how the media has finally begun grilling the president…
Eric Scheiner | November 17, 2015
Speaker Ryan Calls for 'A Pause' in Syrian Refugee Program See More at:…
Monica Sanchez | November 17, 2015
In a Monday night appearance on Fox News, former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani slammed President Obama for his “vacuous” foreign policy. He…
Monica Sanchez | November 17, 2015
On “Hannity” Monday night, Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson criticized both President Obama and the Democratic candidates for…
Eric Scheiner | November 17, 2015
Obama: If We Send 50K Troops Into Syria, What Do We Do When Terrorists Attack From Yemen? Or Libya? See More at:…
MarkF | November 17, 2015
Maybe Mike Barnicle should start referring to ISIS as Borg. After all, he apparently believes that resistance is futile . . . On today's Morning Joe…
Monica Sanchez | November 16, 2015
In an appearance on “Fox and Friends" Monday morning, Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush argued that the U.S. "should be profiling” in an…
Kyle Drennen | November 16, 2015
More in the cross-post on the MRC's NewsBusters blog. In an interview with former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney on Monday’s NBC Today…
Monica Sanchez | November 14, 2015
During the Democratic primary debate in Des Moines, Iowa Saturday night, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said that the U.S. should support…
Monica Sanchez | November 14, 2015
Image via Screenshot In an appearance on Fox News Saturday, Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio discussed the horrific terrorist attacks…