
Kyle Drennen | May 31, 2012
While the networks largely ignored 43 Catholic institutions suing the Obama administration over the ObamaCare contraception mandate, since news broke…
Rich Noyes | May 11, 2012
Leading off the May 10 World News, ABC anchor Diane Sawyer breathlessly touted a story about GOP candidate Mitt Romney allegedly bullying a fellow…
Brent Baker | April 9, 2012
ABC’s Sunday night tribute to Mike Wallace, who passed away Saturday night, highlighted several swipes at Ronald Reagan, thus, inadvertently or not,…
Rich Noyes | April 9, 2012
Talking about the journalists of the Cronkite era, who "kept their opinions to themselves," according to her co-host Whoopi Goldberg, The View's…
MarkF | March 31, 2012
A screen graphic in an ABC Good Morning America segment on the aftermath of the Trayvon Martin shooting wonders whether death threats are "going too…
Matthew Balan | March 15, 2012
ABC's Dan Harris trumpeted the "bromance between President Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron" on the 15 March 2012 edition of Good…