
Brittany M. Hughes | May 18, 2018
Just this week alone, the American media fell all over themselves to praise Hamas terrorists and defend MS-13 gangbangers, and they flat-out lied in…
Brittany M. Hughes | May 18, 2018
The media lost their collective mind Wednesday, claiming that Donald Trump had reportedly labeled all immigrants "animals" during a round table with…
Brittany M. Hughes | May 17, 2018
President Donald Trump referred to violent members of Salvadoran gang MS-13 as “animals” Wednesday during a press conference after a local California…
Brittany M. Hughes | May 10, 2018
Chanel creative director and fashion icon Karl Lagerfeld might wear some pretty outrageous outfits, but his stance on Germany’s migrant crisis seems…
Ben Graham | May 9, 2018
Maybe this is one of those "my truth" things - you know, where the truth doesn't seem to matter much. Homeland Security Secretary Kristjen Neilsen…
Brittany M. Hughes | May 4, 2018
Remember that caravan of more than 1,500 people that caught a ton of media attention as they tromped through Mexico on their way to the U.S. to…
Nick Kangadis | April 30, 2018
You gotta feel bad for a good portion of the people in Canada, because their government has become so inept that they make our average American…
Brittany M. Hughes | April 26, 2018
  ICE just arrested 33 known or suspected human rights violators from around the world who were here illegally. And that was just last week.…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | April 23, 2018
  Winter is over, but the snowflakes still swirl and dance across the US. This is particularly noticeable in California, where the lefties at…
Brittany M. Hughes | April 13, 2018
A federal judge ruled Thursday that the federal government can’t legally pull taxpayer funding from police departments simply because they refuse to…
Monica Sanchez | April 4, 2018
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) says he’s “troubled” that a local sheriff is working with federal immigration authorities. "State police agencies…
Brittany M. Hughes | April 3, 2018
President Donald Trump said he’s sending military troops to the Southwest U.S. border, even as reports circulate that a 1,500-person caravan of…