P. Gardner Goldsmith
Writer, Television Scriptwriter, Lecturer

Gardner Goldsmith is a television scriptwriter, journalist, syndicated radio host, and lecturer in political-economics. He has spent time in the script departments of “The Outer Limits” and “Star Trek: Voyager”, and, in addition to his debut novella, “Bite” (selected by Ginger Nuts of Horror as one of the best novellas of 2013), and follow-ups, “Fishing” and “Wall”, his prose and poetry have been published in the US and UK. His fiction is available via Amazon and Barnes and Noble, and through local bookstores, so feel free to dive in! 

Goldsmith’s 2007 non-fiction book, “Live Free or Die”, was selected by the Freedom Book Club as a Book of the Month, and his articles on political economics have appeared in the US and UK in such publications and on such websites as Human Events, TechCentralStation, Naked, The Freeman (A Publication of the Foundation for Economic Education), Mises Daily, Investor’s Business Daily, The NH Union Leader, and MRCTV.

He is also a teacher of political-economics and philosophy at various schools in New Hampshire. His SUBSTACK? This link: Substack is HERE. Check it out!

P. Gardner Goldsmith | December 7, 2020
A recent MRCTV report by Nick Kangadis covering the alarming news that the feds plan on issuing “vaccination cards” to Americans who get the needle inspires some big logical questions... Ya know that enumerated section in the U.S. Constitution that claims for the feds the power to “fight” naturally occurring problems that American residents experience? What? There isn’t one? How about that…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | December 6, 2020
The cracks are expanding. Because hard-working people are fed-up with the attacks on their rights, and they are fighting back.   In virtually every state where vampiric politicians avoid the Constitution like a cross or holy water, business owners, consumers, parents, and homeowners are rising up to resist the political edicts that have sucked away their liberty. And now, well-known Los…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | December 4, 2020
She’s a Marxist-collectivist, embracing to varying degrees all of the planks of Marx’s Communist Manifesto. She openly promotes legislation to push the U.S. government closer to a paradigm that has seen governments around the world exterminate more than 100 million people. She makes her money by forcing people to pay through the involuntary servitude of taxation. Her “salary” increases…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | December 3, 2020
President Trump warned Congress on Twitter this week that unless the House addresses the statutory flaws in Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act (47 U.S. Code § 230), he will veto the latest National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) -- the annual military funding bill that politicians often use as cover to push pork spending and attacks on liberty. Section 230 has been tossed…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | December 2, 2020
One of the good people has passed away. He was named Walter Williams, he was born in Philadelphia, PA on March 31, 1936; he grew up there, and went on to become one of the world’s most influential and admired economists, professors, communicators, and moral thinkers. News of his passing today is moving like a tidal wave through free-market economics circles. Walter Williams, you were one of…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | December 2, 2020
It sure seems as if NJ Governor Phil Murphy (D) hasn’t learned from his embarrassing April display on international television telling Tucker Carlson that when he imposed his spring 2020 COVID19 lockdown edicts he “wasn’t thinking” about the Bill of Rights, and that abiding by the Constitution was “above his pay grade.” This despite that being precisely what he swears an oath to do as governor.…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | December 1, 2020
In a classic example of shallow constitutional research (or none at all) and the Aristotelean fallacy of “appeal to authority”, a new report in USA Today pushes the argument that, should Joe Biden take the sordid stage as President, he likely will (should) impose new and more stringent “regulations” on US meat processing plants. In addition to its frustratingly pro-government-aggression argument…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | November 30, 2020
It’s been 15 years since Peter Schweizer released his best-selling book, “Do As I Say, Not As I Do,” exposing the glorious hypocrisy of leftist politicians such as Bill and Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, Al Franken, and Ralph Nader, and shining a light on Michael Moore, George Soros, Noam Chomsky, Cornel West, and Barbra Streisand. But, despite the passage of time, not only have…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | November 30, 2020
Imagine that you and your neighbors live in feudal times. You can reside on a plot of land, toil, and stay there as long as you annually give the Liege Lord a huge portion of what you earn. The feudal lord also has sycophantic underlings protected by armed guards, all of whom he gives some of your wealth, and they tell you that more and more of your money will be taken to pay for the feudal…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | November 30, 2020
Using shoddy COVID19 data from unreliable PCR tests and inflated “cases” that can’t conclusively be claimed to have any connection to real sickness or transmissibility, politicians from Andrew Cuomo on the east coast of the U.S., to Gavin Newsom on the west, and many of their sycophantic media lackeys in between, tell us these are “unprecedented times,” as if that’s a prologue allowing them…