P. Gardner Goldsmith
Writer, Television Scriptwriter, Lecturer

Gardner Goldsmith is a television scriptwriter, journalist, syndicated radio host, and lecturer in political-economics. He has spent time in the script departments of “The Outer Limits” and “Star Trek: Voyager”, and, in addition to his debut novella, “Bite” (selected by Ginger Nuts of Horror as one of the best novellas of 2013), and follow-ups, “Fishing” and “Wall”, his prose and poetry have been published in the US and UK. His fiction is available via Amazon and Barnes and Noble, and through local bookstores, so feel free to dive in! 

Goldsmith’s 2007 non-fiction book, “Live Free or Die”, was selected by the Freedom Book Club as a Book of the Month, and his articles on political economics have appeared in the US and UK in such publications and on such websites as Human Events, TechCentralStation, Naked, The Freeman (A Publication of the Foundation for Economic Education), Mises Daily, Investor’s Business Daily, The NH Union Leader, and MRCTV.

He is also a teacher of political-economics and philosophy at various schools in New Hampshire. His SUBSTACK? This link: Substack is HERE. Check it out!

P. Gardner Goldsmith | November 26, 2020
In a minutes-to-midnight ruling, a majority on the Supreme Court of The United States (SCOTUS) ruled in favor of an injunctive block of NY Governor Andrew Cuomo’s “gathering restrictions” on houses of worship. The decision was 5 to 4, and saw Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett in the majority, and Chief Justice John Roberts side with leftists…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | November 26, 2020
Thanksgiving 2020 might be one of the most important in American history. Now, as families struggle to gather without encountering police who might be willing to enforce unconstitutional and unethical “lockdown” and “gathering” diktats, more Americans can see the forces that have been trying to undermine it. And they can see that the wicked work has been conducted in a decades-long program of…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | November 25, 2020
For a long time, Kentucky residents have suffered repeated attacks on their liberties, attacks that have come at the hands of COVID-crackdown Governor Andy Beshear (D) and his sycophantic apparatchiks in innumerable bureaus across the bluegrass state. But now, citizens are standing up, and welcoming the support of Attorney General Daniel Cameron in their fight for liberty. As Fox News’ Sam…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | November 25, 2020
Remember the sound of Hillary Clinton’s ribald laughter when, in 2011, the then-Secretary of State sat down with a sycophantic “reporter” shortly after the U.S .government (and other forces) broke international laws and the U.S. Constitution by invading and overthrowing the government of Libya, a military incursion that saw Libyan head-of-state Muammar Gaddafi killed without trial, and his body…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | November 24, 2020
The “Stop the Tires” strike to protest Joe Biden has been postponed. Organizers have put the brakes on the protest event originally scheduled from 11/26 to 11/29. According to WBTW, based in Myrtle Beach, SC, the organizers of the strike have postponed it until further notice. The movement attracted great attention, but… “…Stop the Tires 2020 creator Jeremy Rewoldt has backed away from calls…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | November 22, 2020
Want to have some fun? Imagine writing a dystopian novel, a story set in the future or an alternate reality where things are ugly, deadly, and destructive of rights. Now, imagine it’s real, and it’s a few months away. Because that’s what Bernie Sanders recently suggested during a live group-chat with numerous “reporters” and left-adherent writer John Nichols in conjunction with what The…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | November 22, 2020
Despite the state’s image as a cesspool of collectivism, some pockets of California have for many years stood tall against the authoritarians. From the days of 1990s “stoner rock” concerts performed in the desert using generators, and without government “permission” that gave rise to bands like Fu Manchu, Kyuss, and Queens of The Stone Age, to the April rally in San Diego where locals spoke out …
P. Gardner Goldsmith | November 22, 2020
Two years ago, I noted that Thanksgiving is a celebration of private property, that Plymouth Governor William Bradford explicitly noted the Pilgrims’ error in trying to institute communal “ownership,” that the error caused starvation and in-fighting, and that they established the first Thanksgiving as a way to thank God for showing them the wisdom of respecting private property rights. Four …
P. Gardner Goldsmith | November 20, 2020
As MRCTV’s Nick Kangadis recently reported, Democrat California Governor Gavin Newsom Thursday announced new “lockdown” edicts in 41 of 58 state counties, running from Saturday, November 21, through December 21, to supposedly fight the spread COVID19. Far-left California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) announced on Thursday that all ‘non-essential work and gatherings’ in ‘counties in the purple tier’…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | November 20, 2020
As pop media spinmeisters continue to claim that the 2020 election is over, reality keeps returning to show us that things are more complicated than we’re being told. Arizona Public Media’s Christopher Conover reports that AZ Governor Doug Ducey Wednesday announced he will not accept the results of the presidential election until after the Trump team and the AZ GOP have their day in court.…