P. Gardner Goldsmith
Writer, Television Scriptwriter, Lecturer

Gardner Goldsmith is a television scriptwriter, journalist, syndicated radio host, and lecturer in political-economics. He has spent time in the script departments of “The Outer Limits” and “Star Trek: Voyager”, and, in addition to his debut novella, “Bite” (selected by Ginger Nuts of Horror as one of the best novellas of 2013), and follow-ups, “Fishing” and “Wall”, his prose and poetry have been published in the US and UK. His fiction is available via Amazon and Barnes and Noble, and through local bookstores, so feel free to dive in! 

Goldsmith’s 2007 non-fiction book, “Live Free or Die”, was selected by the Freedom Book Club as a Book of the Month, and his articles on political economics have appeared in the US and UK in such publications and on such websites as Human Events, TechCentralStation, Naked, The Freeman (A Publication of the Foundation for Economic Education), Mises Daily, Investor’s Business Daily, The NH Union Leader, and MRCTV.

He is also a teacher of political-economics and philosophy at various schools in New Hampshire. His SUBSTACK? This link: Substack is HERE. Check it out!

P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 30, 2021
Offering another prime opportunity for people to study the way government pits people against each other, a California high school teacher has been revealed to have suggested that kids pledge allegiance to the “Gay Pride” flag. FoxNews’ Emma Colton reports: A California school district is investigating a teacher after she posted a video admitting that she encouraged her students to pledge…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 30, 2021
British Musician Eric Clapton released his new single Friday, and it’s triggering many collectivists to show their knee-jerk callousness, ignorance, and self-defeating disregard for the individual. Entitled, “This Has Gotta Stop,” the song travels musical paths encompassing blues, rock, and up-tempo folk, and the lyrics are timely, potent, and heartfelt, stemming from Mr. Clapton’s own…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 27, 2021
After laying dormant for nearly eight weeks on this topic, the broken toy monkey of the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) just jumped back to life and smacked its cymbals, telling the Centers for Disease Control to end its “eviction moratorium” that the Court majority already “kinda” found unconstitutional, but did not order stopped, on June 29. The ruling came over the case “Alabama…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 25, 2021
Anyone looking for hints of thuggish hypocrisy will easily find it in virtually any government office, and they’ll never experience a surfeit of it if they study Congress. Case in point, hardcore collectivists Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) and Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.), who, among others, have co-sponsored a bill to prohibit landlords from collecting rent. Because, of course, any aggressive…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 24, 2021
In his novel “That Hideous Strength” author CS Lewis offered a warning through fiction. He told the story of a man who is hired by a strange, politically-connected so-called “scholarly” organization that actually is a front for a multi-generational cabal intent on taking over the British countryside and supplanting the old traditions with a top-down collective hive mind. It sounds outlandish…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 24, 2021
In the 1980s, comedian Jon Lovitz created a Saturday Night Live character called “Master Thespian” whose imprint still can be felt. Today, people occasionally will pull pretend emotional fits or appear to be in pain, only to suddenly change, adopt Lovitz’s intense, over-the-top character’s mannerism, and say, “ACTING!”   Which appears to be precisely the kind of stunt the “Acting” Mayor of…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 23, 2021
Remember when National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) head Anthony Fauci told NBC’s fawning Chuck Todd that, in essence, he was the godhead of the politically-imprinted dog whistle term “science”, saying: A lot of what you're seeing as attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science, because all of the things that I have spoken about, consistently from the very…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 23, 2021
  The Australian lockdown situation may be reaching a breaking point, and the Aussie people are trying to be heard. Rising in massive numbers, residents all over the “land down under” Saturday defied byzantine, authoritarian lockdowns and jab-passport edicts to rally for liberty against the central and state governments of Australia. Expect these anti-lockdown protest in Australia to grow…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 22, 2021
If Joe Biden’s attacks on Natural Rights -- and his promotion of government attacks on the particular right to keep and bear arms – are not obvious to most Americans, the new move by Biden’s so-called “Justice Department” ought to open a few more eyes.  Fully fueled on breakfasts, lunches, and dinners paid for by US taxpayers, the Biden Gang has hopped on their political ponies and ridden to…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 20, 2021
At a certain point in one’s relationship with an adversary, there comes a time to face the choice of feeling anger, frustration, pity, sorrow, or a mixture of those and a few other emotions. In the case handling info about race-grifter, fake-African-American, and exposed liar Rachel Dolezal, the point for to pity might have arrived, and this is not written in any sarcastic sense. According to …