Clapton Releases New Pro-Freedom, Anti-Lockdown Song – Left Have Fits

P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 30, 2021

British Musician Eric Clapton released his new single Friday, and it’s triggering many collectivists to show their knee-jerk callousness, ignorance, and self-defeating disregard for the individual.

Entitled, “This Has Gotta Stop,” the song travels musical paths encompassing blues, rock, and up-tempo folk, and the lyrics are timely, potent, and heartfelt, stemming from Mr. Clapton’s own experiences seeing loved ones shut out of their livelihoods, and him personally suffering what he has concluded are injuries caused by the two mRNA jabs he received months ago.

The opening verse offers Clapton’s personal insight and frustration about the devastating lockdowns in the UK and elsewhere, speaking directly to the politicians who immorally claimed power over the British people to attack God-given rights that are supposed to be protected by the Magna Carta:

This has gotta stop
Enough is enough
I can’t take this BS any longer

It’s gone far enough
If you wanna claim my soul
You’ll have to come and break down this door

I knew that something was going on wrong
When you started laying down the law…

Then, Clapton offers words on his own physical hurdles:

I can’t move my hands
I break out in sweat
I wanna cry
Can’t take it anymore…

For those who are unaware, Clapton still suffers neurological problems that he believes were caused by taking two mRNA jabs. His hands cannot touch hot or cold items without him feeling as if they are on fire, so he often wears cotton gloves, and he had to undergo rehabilitation after he almost lost the ability to use them at all.


Yet, despite the darkness in what Clapton describes, the musical pace and tone somehow remain upbeat, as if, despite the suffering, he knows that the political errors and hardship can be overcome – here, or in the afterlife, as the spirit finds resolution and love in the love of God.

I’ve been around
Long, long time
Seen it all
And I’m used to being free

I know who I am
Try to do what’s right
So lock me up and throw away the key…

Which appears to be close to what some leftists would like to do to him.

Many of them took to Twitter to attack Clapton in ways that not only reflect their ignorance of the lockdowns, jabs, masks, and survivability stats surrounding the so-called “pandemic,” they reveal ignorance of – or callousness to -- Clapton’s own suffering.

A woman using the obvious, and, perhaps, over-confident, Twitter handle “Outspoken” (@Out5p0ken) did just that, by writing:

Eric Clapton, I’ve now Layed Down Sally. All your music is in the trash. Get a vaccine and stop with the BS disinformation lyricism about Covid.

Of course, the fact that Clapton already has gotten what she calls “a vaccine” is on record, as are his terrible physical troubles.

But that’s just the low-end ignorance and thoughtlessness on display.

One of the worst came from the mind of “comedian” Steve Hofstetter, referring to Clapton’s loss of his young son, Conor, who, in 1991, fell to his death from a window a repairman had left open for ventilation in Conor’s mom’s 53rd floor apartment.

This is the level of human sympathy Hofstetter achieved on Twitter:

Eric Clapton is anti-mask and anti-vax, and just released a conspiracy-laden song promoting it. Do you think in the studio he slammed his fist on the console and said ‘I’ll be damned if I’m the only one to lose a child’?

Which is not only notable for its breathtaking invective and its recursive, inverted sense of “I believe I’m working for the greater good, so my insincere and gross attack on an individual is perfectly justified,” it mistakenly claims Clapton’s song is “conspiracy-laden.”

Anyone who listens to it can hear that there’s not a hint of a conspiracy theory, and, even if there were, what’s wrong with hearing about such a theory and investigating it, rather than trying to dismiss or silence, outright?

But, on the positive side, while hordes on the left were spitting venom at Mr. Clapton, millions of others were cheering, and many of those included well-known Brits who have emerged as leading voices in the moral fight against lockdowns, mask mandates, mandatory jab-passes, and the manipulation by the pop British and US press.

One of the leaders in the moral fight is former BBC reporter, now independent journalist, Anna Brees, whose YouTube channel took off like a rocket last year (and now has been suspended).

Attending a recent UK rally, Brees met-up with “The Freds”, brothers Fred and Richard Fairbrass, aka the band Right Said Fred, who discussed with her the suppression of live music, the failure of some well-known musicians to stand for freedom of association, and more.

Said Anna of the musicians who have not spoken up:

If they don’t feel shame and guilt, then there’s not much we can do about that. At least we know we’ve done the right thing.

To which Fred replied, as the chat expanded:

We don’t need to name them, because the names are already… the fact that they’re so invisible – that’s all you need to know. And we should thank people like Eric Clapton—

Richard: (adding) Van Morrison…

Fred: (agreeing) -- Van Morrison, who have actually got the nuts—

Richard: Ian Brown (Stone Roses)… Matt Hoy (UB40)…

Fred: Yeah! We should thank these people, particularly the new Eric Clapton thing. And he’s angry, and I don’t blame him for being angry, and at least he’s getting up and doing something.

Richard: Yeah…

Fred: I mean, I have tremendous admiration for that, and nothing but contempt for those artists who will do pretty much anything to get the next tour.

Fair assessments, from men who not only support freedom at rallies in England, but who also have gone international with their support of liberty by recently appearing on the radio program and podcast of one of the most respected free-market economists and historians in the world, Tom Woods. Like Clapton, Morrison, Brown, Hoy, The Reverend Horton Heat, Morrissey, and unnamed others, The “Freds” are musicians who understand the primacy of the individual, and the moral foundation of free will on which peace and love are based.

It’s a great gift to acquire even more respect for people after getting to know them better. And, thanks to Clapton’s new song, we get more positive takeaways. We get to connect with kindred spirits who help lift our spirits and know that there are good guys and gals out there.

We don’t have to suffer the political shrapnel of bomb-throwers like Hofstetter, because, all over the world, we’re discovering people of good nature and integrity. They’re people who are on the ground with Anna, who support Clapton, Morrison, Brown, Hoy, other freedom-minded musicians, economists like Woods, and even legendary researcher James Corbett, based in Japan – whom The Freds were kind enough to mention on Woods’ show.

Because, each time a guy like Clapton stands up, we can see who stands with him, and who would stand against free will and peace.

And we can recall the final verse of Clapton’s new song, and know this fight isn’t about us:

Thinkin’ of my kids
What’s left for them
And then what’s coming down the road

The light in the tunnel
Could be the southbound train
Lord, please help them with their load.

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