Brittany M. Hughes
Managing Editor

Brittany is the managing editor of MRCTV and MRC Culture. She hosts the weekly podcast "The Brittany Hughes Show" and previously hosted "Reality Check" on MRCTV. She's a graduate of the College of William and Mary. Before coming to MRCTV, she worked as an investigative reporter for CNS News. Prior to that, she was an education and politics reporter in Danville, Virginia. 

Brittany M. Hughes | September 5, 2018
The Huffington Post is accusing “unruly whites” of “flying into a destructive rage” against Nike Tuesday, after the popular sports apparel brand announced they’d signed failed NFL quarterback-turned-social justice activist Colin Kaepernick as the new face of their “Just Do It” campaign. According to HuffPo, this “destructive rage” includes people burning their own Nike gear and posting photos of…
Brittany M. Hughes | September 4, 2018
As if the myraid left-wing anti-Kavanaugh talking points haven’t been enough, leftist writer liberals are now targeting Trump’s SCOTUS pick for a brand new reason – by accusing a woman sitting behind him of making white supremacist hand-gestures during his confirmation hearing. [mrctv:intermarkets_ad:1] Don’t believe me? Here it is, read it and laugh hysterically:   What fresh hell is this…
Brittany M. Hughes | September 4, 2018
A pro-abortion group reportedly stole a young woman’s photo to promote their pro-abortion campaign. There was just one glaring problem: the woman whose photo they nicked is pro-life. Now, that young woman is speaking out. On its website, the social media campaign #ShoutYourAbortion published a story Sunday allegedly written by a woman named “Heather” who excitedly boasted that she’d had “3…
Brittany M. Hughes | September 4, 2018
The Senate began holding confirmation hearings for Trump SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh Tuesday. So, naturally, far-left crazies began protesting them. Led by none other than Women’s March leader and terrorist sympathizer Linda Sarsour, a group of belligerent shrews decided to upend the beginning of the hearing by standing and shrieking unintelligibly in protest of Kavanaugh (who’s actually a…
Brittany M. Hughes | August 31, 2018
California may soon mandate under threat of financial penalty that every public company include at least one woman on its board. CNN reports:  State legislators passed a bill Wednesday that would require publicly-traded companies headquartered in California to place at least one woman on their board by the end of next year — or face a penalty. The bill, SB-826, states point-blank: This…
Brittany M. Hughes | August 31, 2018
The St. Louis Circuit Attorney said this week she’ll no longer accept criminal cases handled by 28 city police officers. Local reports say Attorney Kim Gardner presented the St. Louis Police Department with a so-called “exclusion list” of more than two-dozen police officers she says she’s virtually banned from filing criminal cases for a whole host of reasons – including some who previously…
Brittany M. Hughes | August 31, 2018
People on Twitter are outraged after the social media platform reportedly failed – or, at worst, declined to – comment on an image one user posted showing a photoshopped gun aimed at Sen. John McCain's daughter, Meghan McCain, as she wept over her father’s casket. This photo, posted by user @austindelafrog at 4:35 p.m. on Thursday along with the caption "America, this ones (sic) for you," was…
Brittany M. Hughes | August 30, 2018
Leftists - including the chair of the California Democratic Party -- are now calling for an all-out boycott of the popular West Coast burger joint In-N-Out because the company just donated to the Republican Party. Records show In-N-Out Burgers, known for their super-simple menu and old-school diner vibe, donated $25,000 to the California GOP on August 27. Which isn't terribly shocking -- the…
Brittany M. Hughes | August 30, 2018
The Georgia medical board just reinstated the license of an abortion doctor previously jailed for Medicaid fraud who once botched a late-term abortion so badly that his patient bled out and died in a local emergency room. And, if that weren't bad enough, the Atlanta Journal-Consitution reports Tyrone C. Malloy was first sanctioned in 2004 for making medical mistakes that ended in the death of a…
Brittany M. Hughes | August 30, 2018
From the same abortion industry that brought us a history of genocidal propaganda aimed at controlling minority populations comes a new billboard out of Texas urging black women to abort their children like it’s just another day at the spa. The Afiya Center, a Texas-based “reproductive justice” group targeting black women and girls, just put up a stunningly insulting billboard aimed at…