
ashley.rae | October 6, 2015
Two elementary schools in Minnesota joined the growing list of schools hiring “recess consultants” in order to make playtime is more structured and…
Monica Sanchez | October 6, 2015
Politicians micromanage everything from their body language to their looks.  They need to find the perfect balance between professional and…
Ben Graham | October 6, 2015
When faced with criticism, Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina fights back with fiery words. “There are a lot of liberals who find me…
Monica Sanchez | October 6, 2015
In an appearance on “Fox and Friends” Tuesday morning, talk show host Laura Ingraham was asked to respond Democratic presidential candidate Hillary…
danjoseph | October 6, 2015
An Ivy League professor at the University of Pennsylvania, referred to presidential candidate Ben Carson as a "coon," in a Tweet sent out, last week…
Brittany M. Hughes | October 6, 2015
(Photo Credit: U.S. Customs and Border Protection) U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported seizing more than $3.6 million in drugs just…
Monica Sanchez | October 5, 2015
Following news of the Oregon shooting, liberal pundits and Democrats – including President Obama and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton –…
Monica Sanchez | October 5, 2015
Image via Twitter Over the weekend, New York Times contributor and author John Tierney published a fiery article entitled, “The Reign of Recycling…
ashley.rae | October 5, 2015
(Image source: GoFundMe) The nation is rallying around Chris Mintz, the veteran who was shot seven times while trying to protect people from the…
Ben Graham | October 5, 2015
The cast of “Saturday Night Live” took multiple potshots at presidential candidate Donald Trump in the opening skit of their season premiere.…
Monica Sanchez | October 5, 2015
The heroics of a 20-pound French Bulldog are going viral and for good reason. A small family guard dog named Jules mounted a large defense of his…
ashley.rae | October 5, 2015
The president of a small Christian college in Michigan seeks to punish students for displaying the Confederate flag on campus, claiming the flag is…
Monica Sanchez | October 5, 2015
Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton spoke about gun control at a town hall meeting in Manchester, N.H. on Monday.   During her remarks, she…
danjoseph | October 5, 2015
The National Rifle Association (NRA) is probably the far-left's most beloved bogeyman.  Any time there is a tragedy involving a firearm, liberals…
ashley.rae | October 5, 2015
While appearing on “Meet the Press,” Donald Trump said the Middle East would be more stable if Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi were still in…
danjoseph | October 5, 2015
You have to give Obama supporters this much. They are loyal to their guy. So loyal, in fact, that they're willing to give their staunch support to…
Ben Graham | October 5, 2015
"Most" of the nation's homophobes are presidential candidates, Vice President Joe Biden declared in a speech on Saturday. Touting the "importance…
Jeffdunetz | October 4, 2015
The City Council of Des Planes, Illinois voted against rezoning an empty office building from a manufacturing zone to an institutional zone that…
Monica Sanchez | October 2, 2015
Image via Screenshot/YouTube A video of a Virginia man’s reaction when he learns his wife is pregnant after years of trying has gone viral,…
Craig Bannister | October 2, 2015
A new campaign by LiveAction juxtaposes video of Planned Parenthood supporters, such as Pres. Obama and the abortion provider’s president Cecile…