radioeq | January 7, 2013
 GERALDO RIVERA (04 Jan 2013) (regarding the last time he saw Al Gore): [Gore and Al Franken] were in the [Fox News] building. They were screening a movie. They may have been screening, actually, Al Gore's climate-change movie. Now, I knew Al Gore, I'd interviewed him several times, I was President Clinton's principal defender during impeachment, so I'd got to know Al Gore, so I meet him in the…
radioeq | January 7, 2013
ED SCHULTZ (Friday 04 January 2013): The gun laws and the gun violence in Chicago is a helluva lot different than it is in New York City. There's two different worlds when it comes to gun violence, it's not even close. You know, New York City is not, you know, an all-safe zone or what not, I'm not trying to make that case. But a city that has got strict, the strictest gun laws in America put…
radioeq | January 4, 2013
MIKE MALLOY (02 Jan 2013) Krauthammer? This disgusting Charles Krauthammer? Who is - I think he's a - a failed psychiatrist isn't he? He said Clinton was suffering from, quote, acute Benghazi allergy. Oh, that's real cute, you rotten bastard! You're a psychiatrist? Is it - is it *DOCTOR* Charles Krauthammer?
radioeq | January 4, 2013
BILL PRESS (04 Jan 2013): I did run into the Vice President, hadn’t seen him in about a year ah he knows I’m from Delaware, born in Delaware and have known him for a long time and he saw me and he said oh my God Delaware City yeah how you doing gave me a big hug and says ‘man I’m so glad to see you.” I swear I hope he doesn’t mind my saying this and he said ‘man you’re the only man you’re the…
radioeq | January 1, 2013
MIKE MALLOY: Hey FBI, you don't have to surveil Wall Street, Occupy Wall Street, send one of those drones to hover around this creepy bastard uh Ted Nugent! But he's way down the list - he's - he's just a, you know, an ex-musician trying to get some publicity. Send your drones over Hannity's house and uh Rush Limbaugh's bunker and uh Glenn Beck's hidey-hole and uh Bill O'Reilly's studio. Um, set…
radioeq | December 31, 2012
 DAVID SHUSTER (28 Dec 2012): I wonder if Mitch McConnell has been I don’t know you know he’s getting a little bit older and you know and things are not so easy for him back in Kentucky and strange things can happen over the holiday’s. I mean one of his fellow Senator’s Senator Crapo who you know is a devout Mormon who said he didn’t drink was suddenly pulled over for DUI. I’m not suggesting…
radioeq | December 31, 2012
REV AL SHARPTON (28 Dec 2012): In any civilized society you do not see massacres continue to happen, from Tucson to Aurora to Columbine to Virginia Tech to where we are now in Newtown to Chicago and you keep the same laws when clearly they're not working. ROSCOE IN MARYLAND: What happens when the criminal goes to knives Al?REV AL SHARPTON: Then you deal with knives. ROSCOE IN MARYLAND: Oh I see.…
radioeq | December 18, 2012
THOM HARTMANN (18 Dec 2012): Ah, yeah, the good old 'more guns cause less violence' argument. [It's] sort of a gun-based variation on [the GOP's] 2012 theme that more rapes would equal fewer pregnancies. Remember that? Todd Akins [sic]?THOM HARTMANN (8:07): Our nation has given air time [to] and entertained legislation from the crazy gun nuts in Washington for far too long, and, in the meantime,…
radioeq | December 18, 2012
ED SCHULTZ (02:36): I tweeted out a number of things over the weekend, one of them was confiscation. I mean, I'm talking about guaranteed eliminate the problem. I mean, if you were to confiscate every firearm in America, how could there be any shootings? That's the point. Is it going to happen? No. And of course I got the hateful tweets back, (sarcastically) you try doing that at my door, Ed. You…
radioeq | December 17, 2012
THOM HARTMANN (14 Dec 2012): The gun folks are out there saying, 'Guns don't kill people -- people kill people.' I would say, 'OK, guns don't kill people -- inequality kills people.' Why is it that the United States has this horrible problem? We are one of the most unequal countries in the world, and we didn't so much have this problem when we were less unequal, in the '50s, '60s, '70s.   THOM…