radioeq | December 4, 2012
Apparently rape is just a campaign tactic to our liberal friends:STEPHANIE MILLER (04 Dec 2012): After losing women voters on November 6th Republicans promised to change how they reach out to the female electorate. I just love reading these stories. A month go JACKI SCHECHNER: Let’s get more rape talk. That’ll really rein us in.  STEPHANIE MILLER: Right right that’s what they’re calling it is the…
radioeq | December 4, 2012
MIKE MALLOY (51:56) That's why this poor miserable drunk John Boehner just staggers from microphone to microphone, doesn't know which end is up and it really doesn't matter. That's why Mitch McConnell bursts out laughing - you know what that is, that's nervous laughter - because Mitch McConnell understands what he's up against now - the colored guy has whipped his ass! Well the one thing…
radioeq | December 3, 2012
RANDI RHODES (03:00) And I swear to you, the NRA's got this conspiracy floating out out there that Obama is such a tyrant, he's such a Muslim Brotherhood creature that he's going to have a third term! He's trying to get a third term like uh - like he's um, well, I don't know, Mayor Bloomberg! And so you better stock up on your guns anyway cuz he might do it, he just might do it, you just can…
radioeq | December 3, 2012
THOM HARTMANN (19:40): The Republicans don't even believe the world is round. They're not interested in facts, they're not interested in truth, they're not interested -- they don't even care about the impact their behavior's gonna have on international relations. All the Three Amigos wanted to do was smear Rice so Obama would be forced to drop her for Kerry, opening the way for Scott…
radioeq | December 3, 2012
CO-HOST JIM WARD (imitating Boehner): They’re not serious, they’re going to get rid of Medicare and welfare and kill all the poor people. That’s the only thing that’s gonna work. Instead of taking victory lap because he’s so popular. STEPHANIE MILLER: That’s out starting position. PRODUCER CHRIS LAVOIE: Yeah. STEPHANIE MILLER: Turn poor people into mulch. Reasonable, why won’t…
radioeq | December 3, 2012
MIKE MALLOY (56:14): Don't you think Boehner, ought to just, I don't know, go drown himself in a vat of wine, you know - he could - he could be jumping up and down with his bare feet like remember Lucy did, remember that time, Lucy episode, I love Lucy, and Boehner would fall down in it and try to drink it all and just gurgle himself right into the great bar in the sky. It's always five o'…
radioeq | December 3, 2012
BILL PRESS (8:43): All the talk here in Washington is still about negotiations to avoid going over the fiscal cliff and I just think it’s just time to call it out you know I’m tired of all the crap you know let’s just cut right to the chase this morning and say there’s only one person standing in the way of resolving this fiscal cliff. And it is John Boehner, who probably now has earned the…
radioeq | November 27, 2012
MALLOY: ...these Tea Bag bastards who by the way, I just wish they would all just go away - or, like in Passover, I just wish there was an angel of the Lord that would pass over - instead of killing the first born in all the households of Egypt just wipe out all the Tea Baggers. Just, you know, the terrible swift sword, just [Mike makes exaggerated "swishing" sounds] lob their heads off!
radioeq | November 27, 2012
HARTMANN (6:54): Black Friday, in reality, is a symptom of the plight that thirty years of Reaganomics has brought to working people in America. Right along with the frenzied rise of shoppers willing to fight each other at retail outlets across America, we've been steadily, for the last thirty years, watching the destruction of organized labor...of decent pay and wages and conditions for…
radioeq | November 23, 2012
AL SHARPTON (15:34): One of the reason that I think people do not understand why unemployment has gone down and in some cases black unemployment and Latino’s has remained stagnant is over the last thirty two months Dr. Hutchinson, they’ve increased jobs and found jobs unemployment has gone down in the private sector. What has not gone down is in the public sector and blacks in particular…