radioeq | January 18, 2013
KARL FRISCH (17 Jan 2013): When people like Rush Limbaugh show absolutely no compassion for the lives that were lost it only inflames the crazy conspiracy people that think this never happened. STEPHANIE MILLER: Yeah he didn’t like the tone was not quite you know ah I guess jovial enough at a news conference about children getting shot. JIM WARD: I guess it’d be wrong for me to say that some…
radioeq | January 18, 2013
ED SCHULTZ (17 January 2013): You just heard a soundbite from the president saying that he is going to allocate resources for schools to develop plans of safety. But the big picture here, and drilling down on it, is that the National Rifle Association has now done what no other organization has ever done in the history of this country, and that is attack and involve politically children of a…
radioeq | January 11, 2013
BILL PRESS (11 Jan 2013): Does the President have a white male problem? That question is compounded by the fact that in the last three or four days we have seen evidence of the fact that three of the President’s top advisors all women are leaving. Hillary Clinton leaving as Secretary of State. Lisa Jackson resigning as head of the Environmental Protection Agency and our good friend Hilda leaving…
radioeq | January 11, 2013
RANDI RHODES (11 Jan 2013) And it dawned on me that the NRA loves guns the way that Rick Santorum loves the fetus! Do you know what I mean? It's like - seriously, they're trying to stop Tucson from destroying guns as if they're screaming, they're pleading, these are our babies, every gun is sacred, you can't destroy a gun, it has so much left to give - or take! I mean - they are starting to act…
radioeq | January 11, 2013
FIRST, the truth: SCHULTZ (10 January 2013): Would it be a deterrent if, you know, say perpetrators know that there's guns in the schools? How do we know they wouldn't view that as a challenge? I mean, we got a goofy world out there. I'm just not convinced that packing a small firearm is the…
radioeq | January 10, 2013
MIKE MALLOY (10 Jan 2013) These goddamn birthers! Will you people please, please get together with your AR-15s in a big circle, pointing circle and on my count, OPEN FIRE!
radioeq | January 10, 2013
BILL PRESS (10 Jan 2013): Every time that this administration has had a major mountain to climb they put Joe Biden in charge and he delivers; going way back to the Stimulus in the first year. PETER OGBURN: That’s a very good point. BILL PRESS: Everything you know fiscal cliff negotiations. I can’t remember all the stuff Joe Biden’s been put in charge of and now the latest is this gun violence…
radioeq | January 8, 2013
RANDI RHODES (04 Jan 2013) You know Dr. Keith Ablow - Ablowmie? Whatever his name is? Dr. Keith Ablowmie, who made his entire reputation on trashing gay people with an MD after his name? Yeah um - he - he - this is a guy who looked at Vice President Joe Biden's performance in the Vice Presidential debate and said uh he believed that Vice President Biden was suffering from dementia? Um I think…
radioeq | January 8, 2013
RANDI RHODES (04 Jan 2013) The truth is, that if you are an environmentalist, don't you find it at least a slight - just a tad, just a touch ironic that he would take the efforts of a liberal news network - uh, that he would take that and give it or sell it for $100 million dollars to him, $500 million dollars total was the sale, the amount of money that they'll make on that sale, $100 million…
radioeq | January 8, 2013
TERRY O'NEILL, PRESIDENT, NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR WOMEN (04 Jan 2013): Eric Cantor led the House in stopping provisions that would have allowed, for example, tribal authorities to have jurisdiction over non-tribal members that commit rape on the reservation. Most of those perpetrators are white men and Eric Cantor, basically what he said and what his office said was, we just can't trust those…