radioeq | March 7, 2013
BILL PRESS (07 March 2013): I hate to pop your bubble, but here’s something we have to remember, President Obama is not going to be in the White House forever, okay there’s going to be someone else sitting there, and some day it’s going to be a Republican and would you really trust a George Bush or a Dick Cheney or a Newt Gingrich or a Herman Cain or a Michelle Bachmann or you name it, or a Rand…
radioeq | March 6, 2013
DR CHARLES OGLETREE (06 March 2013): I think it’s worth noting yesterday we lost the President and the leader of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez and I know there’s been some conversation about that and what people may not know is that as much as people see his sort of anti-American point of view, one of our former members of Congress has had a good relationship with him and I think that makes a big…
radioeq | March 5, 2013
STEPHANIE MILLER (05 March 2013): The pressure of the sequestration has finally made John Boehner crack.JIM WARD: muttering imitating a drunken Boehner. STEPAHANIE MILLER: Peace Lake Ohio. I mean there’s no word if it’s him, I’m guessing it is.  CHRIS LAVOIE: Okay. STEPHANIE MILLER: Yeah ah drunken man curse at bags of tobacco then confessed love to a urinal. CHRIS LAVOIE: Ohhhh!JIM WARD: Ha! I…
radioeq | March 5, 2013
[So much for the bitter white guy theory, as Sharpton & friends abruptly discover]EARL OFARI HUTCHINSON (04 March 2013): Now, we know a few things about the NRA in terms of their overall make-up, even though they say they don’t keep any statistics any figures on race or ethnicity. Their whole thing is if you believe in the Second Amendment you want to protect gun ownership the rights of gun…
radioeq | March 4, 2013
[Traditional leftist Cornel West vs establishment Obama apologist Alice Rivlin duke it out over whether the economy is really "fixed"] CORNEL WEST: How do you get at the one percent owning 38 percent? How do you get at Wall Street having a disproportionate amount of power on Capitol Hill?ALICE RIVLIN: You don't want to talk about this issue you just want to badger me.CORNEL WEST: No no no I wanna…
radioeq | March 1, 2013
THOM HARTMANN (26 Feb 2013): I believe in a regulated capitalist economy and a democratic socialist government, which is pretty much what we had from the 1940s until the 1980s. [...]THOM HARTMANN (46:01) (after a caller says this country wasn't intended to be democratic-socialist): Sure it was. We have a military, we have a post office, we have, we have educational systems. George Washington…
radioeq | March 1, 2013
MIKE PAPANTONIO (28 Feb 2013): Let me just tell you something, go back and look at the history of Scalia. This guy's grandfather was head of the New York Fascist Party, I'm not making that, head of the New York Fascist Party. And I gotta tell you something, the nut does not fall far from the tree.  See…
radioeq | February 28, 2013
SCHULTZ (27 February 2013): It's strange to parallel these stories but I'm going to do it. The National Football League is asking prospects at their annual combine if they're gay. NFL prospect Nick Kasa was asked by scouts about his sexual orientation at the NFL combine. Now folks, I don't even know if this is legal, OK? (laughs) But the NFL is, the NFL is its own society, you know, 32 of the…
radioeq | February 28, 2013
MIKE MALLOY (28 Feb 2013) I have an interest in seeing the entire Republican party DIE. I mean, on their backs, their little squiggly legs up in the air, I want to see the Republican Party dead! Just - just completely replace it with something - I know, replace it with the Tea Baggers! And let them have their little minority fun, you know, give them ten seats in the uh - in the House and one seat…
radioeq | February 26, 2013
STEPHANIE MILLER (26 Feb 2013): Here’s my major concerns about the sequestration okay number one stock up on meat now, it might not be available for long. The food safety and inspection service said it will be forced to furlough employees if cuts are enacted. Vegetarians you’re not exempted. More than 2000 fewer types of food inspections would occur. A lot of risk of airborne food borne illnesses…