radioeq | November 23, 2012
RANDI RHODES (20 NOV 2012 16:10): Being a - a nasty, lying sack of - of quivering flesh, you know being like - just one of the ugliest most evil, most - most disdained people in America; most un-trusted, un-worthy - you know, people who fail upward kind of guy - kind of right-place, right time, you know guy for all these years - doesn't make you happy. And I'm thankful for that! Thankful!
radioeq | November 22, 2012
RANDI RHODES (11:01): Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal - he said, and I thought there was a - a shred of hope in him that the GOP has to stop being the stupid party. But Bobby Jindal was pushing for a law that teaches creationism. So Bobby, why don't you stop being stupid first then I'll stop pointing out how stupid you are! I think that's fair. There's only so many stupid people out there…
radioeq | November 22, 2012
OGLETREE (32:39): The first thing that you say makes it clear that we have to look at global politics because it influences what we can do here. If you look at the one example I’m gonna talk about a little bit later, the attack on Susan Rice, African American woman who has played a vital role in the international affairs Rhodes Scholar terrific graduate has done great work and then she’s…
radioeq | November 22, 2012
HARTMANN (34:59): So here we have...Nixon, Reagan-Bush, and Bush, and every one of them took the White House by fraud and/or treason, to quote President Lyndon Johnson, and now we have questions about Karl Rove trying to electronically rig the [2012] election... in three states, and Democrats...are saying, 'Awww, there couldn't be a conspiracy here...You're being a conspiracy nut!' Well,…
radioeq | November 21, 2012
So much for the Fargo workin' man image - Ed's been in Manhattan a bit too long
radioeq | November 9, 2012
Where does Cheech keep his "binders full of women"?Note of clarification: Greta Van Susteren defended Sarah Palin, Not Cheech Marin, during the exchange.
radioeq | November 9, 2012
Um, isn't Rush taking heat for making this very analogy?
radioeq | November 8, 2012
they truly don't know when to stop whining, do they?