President Donald Trump

Nick Kangadis | June 29, 2020
The Black Lives Matter (BLM) organization is completely full of crap. I’m confident in saying that they care nothing for the majority of black lives…
Eric Scheiner | June 26, 2020
Welcome to this weeks Wacky Moments of Leftist Extremism: Just when you thought the FBI investigation removed any doubt of a hate crime against …
Nick Kangadis | June 25, 2020
It looks like there are still some people who don't care what the cancel culture mobs on social media have to say, and thank God they still exist.…
Nick Kangadis | June 25, 2020
The battle over social media censorship might have hit a snag after Project Veritas, the undercover journalism organization headed by James O’Keefe,…
Nick Kangadis | June 25, 2020
New York comrade — excuse me, Mayor — Bill de Blasio seems to be acting more like a petulant child than a petulant politician at this point. This guy…
Nick Kangadis | June 24, 2020
Well, it doesn’t get much clearer than this. A federal appeals court voted 2-1 on Wednesday against U.S. District Court Judge Emmet J. Sullivan’s…
Eric Scheiner | June 23, 2020
President Donald Trump took to Twitter Tuesday morning to encourage the arrest of vandals who target statues on Federal property. “I have authorized…
Eric Scheiner | June 19, 2020
In this week’s Wacky Moments of Liberal Expression: We’ve all been poking fun at leftist “Fake News” for a while now and if Sunday’s meltdown by…
Clay Robinson | June 19, 2020
President Trump tweeted a Carpe Donktum video Thursday afternoon satirizing how CNN covers news but "journalists" were unable to take a joke and…
melanie.hunter | June 15, 2020
Former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb told CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday that he would advise against President Donald Trump holding large…
Nick Kangadis | June 10, 2020
There’s another George Bush entering the national political spotlight. This time it’s the son of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and nephew of former…
Nick Kangadis | June 9, 2020
CNN’s Jim Acosta is back to his usual “look at me” schtick in which he makes bold claims about President Donald Trump in order to further his own…