Hugh Hewitt

Alex Christy | November 1, 2024
Conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt stormed off Friday’s edition of Washington Post Live and resigned his columnist position shortly afterwards after…
Dan Montanaro | April 1, 2020
In an interview with Hugh Hewitt Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said the Democratic focus on the impeachment trials back in…
Patrick Hauf | June 13, 2018
Conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt came out with a victory despite the two-on-one handicap stipulation in his match Tuesday on Smackdown... I mean…
patrick.goodenough | August 7, 2017
U.S. national security advisor H.R. McMaster on Saturday ruled out suggestions the U.S. may intervene militarily against what he called the “…
Nick Kangadis | June 6, 2016
June 6, 1944 is a day that will forever hold a hallowed place in the annals of history. On this day, the 72nd anniversary of D-Day, we remember…
Monica Sanchez | February 25, 2016
(Image via Screenshot) During CNN’s Republican presidential debate Thursday night, Donald Trump insulted moderator and conservative radio talk…
Jeffdunetz | January 22, 2016
Fox News' Catherine Herridge is reporting that at least one of the emails found on Hillary Clinton's private server contained the code "HCS-O,"…
melanie.hunter | September 2, 2015
GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina told the Hugh Hewitt show on Tuesday that it was "inappropriate" for a Kentucky clerk to refuse to issue…
Barbara Boland | April 24, 2015
“You know, I’ve got to tell you, I was stunned by it. I mean, it looks like bribery,” Romney said of the New York Times report detailing millions of…
papagiorgio200 | June 26, 2013
Hugh Hewitt talks to Erwin Chemerinsky and John Eastman about the SCOTUS ruling on DOMA and Prop 8. Hear Dr. John Eastman explain the issue earlier…
papagiorgio200 | October 25, 2012
Hugh Hewitt goes through a list of 100 reasons to vote for Romney, and a 100 reasons to not vote for Obama. (Posted by: Religio-Political Talk) This…
papagiorgio200 | February 28, 2012
Hugh Hewitt interviews Karl Rove about the situation in Afghanistan. Dr. Rove gives his unfailing commentary that once again draws our attention to…