Global Warming

Monica Sanchez | January 4, 2017
(Image via Twitter) The California Legislature hired President Obama’s former attorney general Eric Holder to represent the state in any legal…
Monica Sanchez | December 11, 2016
(Image via Twitter) In an interview on “Fox News Sunday,” President-elect Donald Trump discussed climate change and how he’s now more “open-minded…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 17, 2016
Less than a year after promising in Paris to cut back on CO2 emissions to tamp down on alleged man-made climate change, China is ramping up coal…
Brittany M. Hughes | October 21, 2016
In between waxing poetic about the coming climate apocalypse and exchanging no less than two dozen self-congratulatory praises for being such an…
Brittany M. Hughes | October 12, 2016
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton joined long-time friend and her husband’s former VP Al Gore at a rally Monday, where she claimed…
Brittany M. Hughes | October 6, 2016
Get ready, guys. President Obama and all his “tree-hugger friends” are coming after your refrigerators and air fresheners for being giant, evil…
Brittany M. Hughes | October 6, 2016
West Virginia and other coal-producing states have already been devastated by President Obama’s clean power regulations that he and his environmental…
patrick.goodenough | October 5, 2016
“History may well judge it [today] as a turning point for our planet,” President Obama said Wednesday, as the international community crossed the…
Brittany M. Hughes | September 30, 2016
Trending Friday on Facebook, the social media site-turned-blindly trusted “news” source, was the prediction that once again, we’re all horrifically…
Brittany M. Hughes | September 28, 2016
So in the middle of a week filled with bombs, stabbings, shootings and riots, President Obama was busy finding more ways to waste our tax payer…
ashley.rae | September 21, 2016
Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein just proposed lowering the voting age to 16 because of global warming. In a series of tweets on…
Brittany M. Hughes | September 1, 2016
President Obama painted a dire picture of the coming climate apocalypse while speaking in Hawaii yesterday at the annual World Conservation…