
Charlie McKenna | June 28, 2016
The Marine Corps is removing the word ‘man’ from 19 job titles in a continuing effort toward inclusion. Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus called for…
ashley.rae | June 28, 2016
Emma Sulkowicz, the performing artist best known for falsely accusing a man of rape and then turning her experience into art projects, received the…
ashley.rae | June 21, 2016
Apparently, “some feminists” are deeply offended by women using nudity as a form of female empowerment. According to KOMO News, a Seattle house,…
Charlie McKenna | June 17, 2016
Kaitlyn Juvik, a student at Helena High School in Montana, hosted a “No Bra Day” to protest sexualization of women's bodies. She told The Guardian…
Charlie McKenna | June 15, 2016
  The feminists were out in full force at the United State of Women Conference on Tuesday. Here’s some of the most interesting moments from the…
Alissa Lopez | June 13, 2016
A Dutch woman who reported to Qatari police in March that she was raped will now have to pay a fine before being deported from the country.  CNN…
Rich Noyes | June 7, 2016
After the AP announced that Hillary Clinton clinched the Democratic nomination, feminist reporters fueled her campaign with positive press about the…
Alissa Lopez | May 31, 2016
Last week, legislation was proposed in Pakistan that would allow men to “lightly beat” their wives if they refused intercourse or declined to wear…
ashley.rae | April 26, 2016
Psychologists have discovered girls are less likely to pursue education and careers in STEM fields because they feel “negative emotions” toward …
ashley.rae | April 18, 2016
Students at the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art are being instructed not to report rape to the police because police officers…
ashley.rae | April 12, 2016
While speaking at a roundtable discussion on gender pay equality, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton broke from the popular feminist…
ashley.rae | April 12, 2016
New data reveal gender does not play a role in compensation differences between men and women working in the technology industry. According to…