Alicia Powe | April 18, 2012
A man said he felt harassed by airport screeners and then took matters into his own hands and stripped down while in an airport screening lane Tuesday evening and was arrested. According to Portland police, 50-year-old John E. Brennan took off his clothes while going through airport screening at Portland International Airport just after 5:30 p.m. and stood naked before other passengers,…
Alicia Powe | April 18, 2012
The left came out in full force to the Madison Tax Day Tea Party Rally on Saturday holding none of their hate and racism back, even in front of the camera.
Alicia Powe | April 18, 2012
Communist Takeover Goals, from a 1963 Congressional report, found their way down the halls of our great Capitol back in 1963. It is shocking how the events that have played themselves out 49 years later.  
Alicia Powe | April 18, 2012
People drew huge crowds in the Bronx around a storefront that houses a tax preparation office because they were promised thousands of dollars in government surplus money that would be put on pre-paid debit cards. (h/t Eyewitness News)
Alicia Powe | April 18, 2012
"All the polls say the same thing. Americans who don't have a lot of money, overwhelmingly support the President. That's because since Mr. Obama has been in office, welfare spending has increased 41 percent."(h/t 
Alicia Powe | April 17, 2012
  MRCTV attended a Herman Cain rally on the U.S. Capitol in Washington DC Monday and asked Herman Cain, Alveda King, Dick Morris, Dinesh D'Souza, Joe the Plumber and others what they felt about the liberal claim that enforcing Voter ID Law supresses the Black and Hispanic vote. Herman Cain said Debbie Wassermann Schultz's comments that "The GOP is dragging us back to the days of Jim Crow with…
Alicia Powe | April 16, 2012
Three weeks after getting a brand-new heart former Vice President Dick Cheney was out talking politics. " I can't think of a time when i felt it was more important for us to defeat the incumbent president than today with respect to Barak Obama," said the former vice president."I think he has been an unmitigated disaster for the country," he said, " to be in a position where he gets four more…
Alicia Powe | April 13, 2012
President George W. Bush gave opening remarks about tax policy and economic growth  Tuesday for the "Tax Policies For 4% Growth" Conference at the New York Historical Society.The 4% Growth Project launched by the Bush Institute in 2011 with the goal of  identify changes in government policy and business practices that will produce higher growth at an attainable level that will ensure Americans of…
Alicia Powe | April 13, 2012
North Korea launched a long-range rocket on Friday  show off the country's might,  but it splintered minutes after lift off before escaping the earth's atmosphere, officials said.North Korea proceeded with its rocket launch, defying warnings from UN Security councils, the United States, South Korea and Japan, which see the launch as a military missile test in disguise. 
Alicia Powe | April 9, 2012
 The New Black Panthers held a violent, hate-filled group phone call Friday to discuss the April 9 rally for Trayvon Martin National Day of Action Protest outlining their future plans of a ‘blood war’ and the eradication of captialism. “If you are having any doubts about getting suited, booted up and armed up for this race war that we are in that has never ended, let me tell you something, the…