danjoseph | April 12, 2016
"Inky" the octopus is free. The male octopus made a daring escape from New Zealand's National Aquarium earlier this week and is now believed to be happily roaming the ocean floor in search of prawns. Somehow, the rugby ball-sized octopus managed to slip out of a gap at the top of his tank, shuffled his way across the wet aquarium floor and escaped via a reticulated drain that circulates…
danjoseph | April 12, 2016
The Brady Campaign to End Gun Violence has a new ad out, and it's incredibly disturbing. In the new ad, a girl portraying Alice from the beloved childhood fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" comes across a handgun and shoots herself in the face. An actor dressed in a white rabbit costume looks on in horror for added effect. As the young girl shoots herself and creepy music plays, a narrator is…
danjoseph | April 11, 2016
Democrats in the New York Senate are complaining that the Republicans, who hold the majority in the chamber, are not providing their district offices with enough toilet paper. Senate Democratic leadership claims that Republicans only provide the district offices with six roles of toilet paper a month and that the toilet paper that is provided is cheap and low quality. Republican leadership…
danjoseph | April 11, 2016
Egypt has agreed to hand over two uninhabited but strategically placed islands to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  The islands of Sanafir and Tiran were given to Egypt by the Saudis in 1950 out of fear that Israel might seize them. Israel captured the islands in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, but returned it to Egypt after the two nations signed a peace treaty in 1979. The islands are less than five…
danjoseph | April 8, 2016
Here are the zaniest things that happened in the world of liberalism this week.         
danjoseph | April 8, 2016
danjoseph | April 6, 2016
On April 16, the White House will allow tourists to enter its gates and view the various landscaping treasures that adorn the premises. That weekend, tourists will be given the rare opportunity to get a first hand look at the Jacqueline Kennedy Garden, the Rose Garden, and of course, Michelle Obama’s White House vegetable garden. Sounds like a real treat for any botany enthusiast.  Just don’t…
danjoseph | April 6, 2016
Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case of "Little Sisters of the Poor v. Burwell." The case stems from an objection to the Obamacare contraception mandate which the "Little Sisters"--a group of nuns whose mission is to care for the elderly--say violates their religious liberty.  MRCTV was present in front of the court where protesters representing both sides of the…
danjoseph | April 6, 2016
In a skit that didn’t make it to air last weekend, “Saturday Night Live” viciously mocked conservatives. The late night comedy show targeted several Republican lawmakers well as U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. In the skit--a parody of the  "Super Bowl Shuffle" performed by the 1985 Chicago Bears--SNL cast member Keenan Thompson impersonated Thomas in a rap that included the line: “I’…