danjoseph | April 22, 2016
        From clearly unemployed "Democracy Spring" protestors to nationwide debates over which bathroom to use, here's MRCTV's weekly rundown of the dumbest things that liberals said and did over the last five days.  
danjoseph | April 21, 2016
Without any jobs to worry about, liberal protesters from the group calling themselves "Democracy Spring" spent an entire week in front of the U.S. Capitol building waving signs, complaining about how awful America is and getting arrested in order to draw attention to their various and sundry causes. MRCTV spent some time with these protesters in order to figure out exactly what they wanted. Here…
danjoseph | April 19, 2016
In the wake of the recent controversy surrounding North Carolina's new bathroom law, which states that individuals must use the restroom that corresponds with the sex listed on their birth certificate, one Internet personality decided to conduct an interesting social experiment. So, "Joey Salads" dressed up like a female and entered a woman's bathroom. As you will see, despite his dress and…
danjoseph | April 19, 2016
Just how bad is the bias against those who support the Second Amendment on our nation’s college campuses? It’s bad. So bad in fact that one professor has actually admitted that she may deny a student a recommendation to a teaching program simply because the student is a gun enthusiast. In an opinion piece posted on the “Chronicle of Higher Learning” website, a professor, writing under the…
danjoseph | April 19, 2016
Ice Cream moguls Jerry Greenfield and Ben Cohen, of Ben & Jerry’s fame, were among hundreds of liberal activists who were arrested at the U.S. Capitol building on Monday while protesting money in politics. The arrests occurred after protesters with the group “Democracy Spring” refused to vacate the steps of the U.S. Capitol after repeated warnings from police.  Democracy Spring's acts of…
danjoseph | April 15, 2016
In an appearance on “Morning Joe” Thursday, Missouri Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill revealed her son once wrote that his mother is “the best prostitute in Kansas City." McCaskill explained that her son, who was in grade school at the time, was completing a class assignment and accidentally confused the words “prostitute” and “prosecutor.”  McCaskill served as a county prosecutor in Missouri…
danjoseph | April 15, 2016
As the presidency of Barack Obama comes to a close, the political class will inevitably begin talking about his "legacy," and pundits will try and predict how future generations will view Obama through the lens of history. Of course, the long-term implications of any president's actions are difficult to gauge so soon after a president leaves office. However, a president's approval rating can…
danjoseph | April 14, 2016
Remember "Occupy Wall Street"? Of course you do! How could anyone forget the legions of unwashed liberal activists who camped out on city streets for months, in protest of the multitude of "injustices" that "wealthy" people regularly inflict upon ordinary Americans? Well, they're back. Only this time they're calling their movement "Democracy Spring." The primary objective of this new movement is…
danjoseph | April 14, 2016
There is growing outrage over an HBO film that focuses on the Senate confirmation hearings of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Critics claim that the "docudrama", set to air on HBO this Saturday, inaccurately portrays the events surrounding the testimony of Anita Hill, Thomas' former assistant who made accusations of sexual harassment against him while working for him in the late eighties…