Geoffrey | October 31, 2008
ABC reporter Claire Shipman on the Oct. 31 GMA asked the author of a new biography on Michelle Obama how the candidate's wife deals with her husband being "lusted after by all of these women out there" on the campaign trail.
Geoffrey | October 31, 2008
Chris Matthews is overwhelmed by sight of Bill Clinton endorsing Obama.
Geoffrey | August 8, 2008
Chris Matthews discussing Barack Obama's speech in Berlin.
Geoffrey | August 8, 2008
Mike Barnicle interviews Ron Suskind about his new book.
Geoffrey | June 1, 2006
“The Bush administration seemed clueless about the magnitude of the [Hurricane Katrina] disaster....President Bush lost his carefully cultivated image of competence. The President’s image of compassion was shaky to begin with, even though he calls himself a compassionate conservative. Bill Clinton felt your pain. George Bush flew over it.” — CNN’s Bill Schneider on The Situation Room, June 1,…
Geoffrey | September 11, 2005
George Stephanopoulos: “Did government neglect turn a natural disaster into a human catastrophe? And was it rooted in racism?” Rapper Kanye West on NBC’s Concert for Hurricane Relief: “George Bush doesn’t care about black people.” Stephanopoulos: “We’ll ask the only African-American in the Senate, Barack Obama, in an exclusive interview.” — Stephanopoulos beginning ABC’s This Week, Sept. 11, 2005.
Geoffrey | September 8, 2005
“You know, I’ve been to some pretty lousy places in my life. And Iraq over the past 12 months and Banda Aceh, open graves and bodies. These were Americans, and everyone watching the coverage all week, that kind of reached its peak last weekend, kept saying the same refrain: ‘How is this happening in the United States?’ And the other refrain was, had this been Nantucket, had this been Boston,…
Geoffrey | September 6, 2005
“Hurricane Katrina is George Bush’s Monica Lewinsky. One difference, and I’ll say this, the only difference is this: That tens of thousands of people weren’t stranded in Monica Lewinsky’s vagina. That is the only difference.” — Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart during his opening remarks on The Daily Show, September 6, 2005.
Geoffrey | September 5, 2005
“For many of this country’s citizens, the mantra has been, as we were taught in social studies it should always be, whether or not I voted for this President, he is still my President. I suspect anybody who had to give him that benefit of the doubt stopped doing so last week. I suspect, also, a lot of his supporters, looking ahead to ’08, are wondering how they can distance themselves from the…
Geoffrey | September 4, 2005
“After meeting with Louisiana officials last week, Rev. Jesse Jackson said, quote, ‘Many black people feel that their race, their property conditions and their voting patterns have been a factor in the response.’ He continued, quote, ‘I’m not saying that myself.’ Then I’ll say it: If the majority of the hardest hit victims of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans were white people, they would not have…