Geoffrey | March 8, 2010
On NBC's Today show Karl Rove calls out stupid journalists who believed the worst about him.
Geoffrey | March 5, 2010
NBC's Matt Lauer derides Karl Rove as playing the role of "The Divider" to George W. Bush's "The Decider" on Friday's Today show.
Geoffrey | March 4, 2010
NBC's Tom Brokaw, in searching for a reason as to why Obamacare faced so much opposition, on Thursday's Today show, determined it was because the people can't quite grasp it, as he sniffed: "The public is very confused."
Geoffrey | March 3, 2010
On Wednesday's Today, NBC's Matt Lauer, seemed to overtly take sides with the Dems as he mocked the GOP's PR strategy of calling reconciliation the nuclear option, as he questioned Kaine: "It does appear, pretty clear now, that the Democrats are gonna have to go it alone in the Senate, what, what we call reconciliation, what the Republicans are calling the nuclear option."
Geoffrey | March 2, 2010
Matt Lauer pressed former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney mostly from the left, on Tuesday's Today, as he made the case that the economy is doing better thanks to the President as he posited "Aren't we better off?" and even questioned the relevance of a possible Romney 2012 presidential campaign.
Geoffrey | March 1, 2010
Chris Matthews declares that Barack Obama must summon all his "music and magic" to get health care passed on the syndicated The Chris Matthews Show over the weekend.
Geoffrey | March 1, 2010
These must be really desperate times for the Democrats, if the syndicated Chris Matthews Show that was aired over the weekend is any indication, as both the host and one of the guests claimed Barack Obama would need to tap into military, musical and even mystical powers to get a health care reform bill passed.
Geoffrey | February 26, 2010
Chris Matthews on Thursday's Hardball dissected the GOP health care summit strategy as one of keeping their "crazies" like Michele Bachman and Joe Wilson, "in the closet" and mocked that their "rehearsed" phrases made them sound like a "North Korean assembly" and exclaimed it was "an example of Pyongyang democracy, which is "What the Dear Leader told us to recite."
Geoffrey | February 25, 2010
On Wednesday's Hardball Chris Matthews raised a GOP concern that Barack Obama should not speak in an "elevated" position, by using a podium, at the health care summit because it would present Obama as "standing up there like God" over them.
Geoffrey | February 24, 2010
Chris Matthews questions the sincerity of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.